Paul Ryan Retiring

From the article,

Statement from Brendan Buck, counselor to Speaker Ryan:

“This morning Speaker Ryan shared with his colleagues that this will be his last year as a member of the House. He will serve out his full term, run through the tape, and then retire in January. After nearly twenty years in the House, the speaker is proud of all that has been accomplished and is ready to devote more of his time to being a husband and a father. While he did not seek the position, he told his colleagues that serving as speaker has been the professional honor of his life, and he thanked them for the trust they placed in him. He will discuss his decision at a press conference immediately following the member meeting.”

Why it Matters:

Ryan makes number 36 in a list of Republicans not seeking re-election this term, for more information on who is not running click here, Incumbents Retiring

Update 1: Paul Ryan’s Announcement.

I’ve queued up from his entrance into the room.

This is a breaking news story will update accordingly.

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About Tiff 2751 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.