Rear Admiral Jackson Withdraws

New York Times has reported some troubling new allegations aimed at Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, President Trump’s pick to lead the VA, replacing David Shulkin.

As was reported @The News Blender, Jackson’s confirmation hearing that was scheduled for Wednesday was postponed late Monday evening amid the growing allegations.

The new allegations, according to the Times report, stem from a two-page document that summarized the allegations, that was distributed by Veterans’ Foreign Affairs committee democrats.

The summary of the unsubstantiated allegations, but are now under investigation, both reported this week and new as of Wednesday’s summarized report, include:

  • Providing a large supply of Percocet to a White House Military Office staff member, causing chaos among his own staff members when they couldn’t account for the missing drugs.
  • On three separate occasions it’s alleged that Dr. Jackson was intoxicated while on the job. One such incident occurred while on a overseas trip in 2015 with then President Obama, Jackson had gone out drinking, returned to the hotel and began pounding on the door of a staff member’s room prompting the Secret Service to investigate the noise and warn Jackson to keep it down. Another incident, also while on a trip with Former President Obama, the medical staff needed his assistance for a medical issue. Upon finding Jackson, the staff discovered he was passed out drunk. The third occasion, Jackson allegedly wrecked a government car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party.
  • He is also alleged to loosely handle prescription drugs. According to a CNN News interview with Senator ranking member Jon Tester, he was known as “The Candy Man”
  • One of the first charges leveled against Jackson was that he created a “hostile work environment”

According to democrat aides, the two page summary was compiled after speaking with twenty-three current and former staff members. The aides went on to tell the Times that each incident had at least two or more witnesses to the events.

In 2012, Jackson, along with a rival physician, were reviewed by the Navy’s Medical Inspector General. The report found, according to AP News , that the two physician’s were engaged in a power struggle over the White House medical unit and created:

a lack of trust in the leadership and low morale among staff members, who described the working environment as “being caught between parents going through a bitter divorce.”

Wednesday, at the White House press briefing, Sarah Sanders defended Jackson. C-Span reports,

White House Spokesperson Sarah Sanders reads a statement defending President Trump’s pick to head the VA, Dr. Ronny Jackson, saying he has an “impeccable record and has survived several background checks in his capacity as White House doctor to three presidents.”

Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson has denied all of the allegations and has stated he is not at this time withdrawing from the nomination.


Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson has withdrawn his nomination NBC News reports:

“While I will forever be grateful for the trust and confidence President Trump has placed in me by giving me this opportunity, I am regretfully withdrawing my nomination to be Secretary for the Department of Veterans Affairs,” Jackson said in a statement.

He goes on in his statement to say:

“Unfortunately, because of how Washington works, these false allegations have become a distraction for this president and the important issue we must be addressing — how we give the best care to our nation’s heroes,” he said.

President Trump appearing via phone on Fox and Friends this morning said this according to NBC News in light of Jackson’s withdrawal:

“He would have done a great job,” the president said. “Tremendous heart. These are all false accusations. They’re trying to destroy a man. By the way, I did say, ‘Welcome to Washington. Welcome to the swamp.'”

Rear Admiral Jackson’s full statement can be found @ Politico.


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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.