Scott Pruitt Testifies

On Thursday embattled EPA head Scott Pruitt testified on the Hill. The original focus of the scheduled meeting was the EPA’s budget for 2019, but instead the focus was on the controversies surrounding Pruitt.

First up the pay raises given to two of Scott Pruitt’s staff that came from Oklahoma last year after the White House had declined the raises.

The Question, “Did you authorize your chief of staff Ryan Jackson to issue the pay raises?”

The Answer, “There were delegation giving him that authority.”

The video is cued at the question, but it is the full three hours of testimony.

In the video below is the interview with Ed Henry from Fox News.

Next up, the soundproof booth that cost the taxpayers 43,000 dollars and that a government watchdog group said violated spending laws set for each agency.

According to CNN Pruitt also went on to change his early December story that the soundproof booth was for security reasons, today stating it was not.


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About Tiff 2829 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.