Sunday Afternoon and Monday Morning Trump Tweets

Sunday Afternoon:


End Flashback

For more about the memos @The News Blender or @The News Blender

This morning:

According to the LA Times,

Since Republicans took control of the Senate at the beginning of the 114th Congress last year, senators have voted to confirm only 22 of President Obama’s judicial nominees. That’s the lowest total since 1951-52, in the final years of Harry Truman’s presidency.

According to The Hill,

“The judicial confirmation process has been at a crawl for years. Now it has come to a functional standstill,” said Schumer.

For a list of Countries that have ‘open borders’ World Atlas.

For more on the NAFTA talks, Reuters.

Editorial Note, Featured Image Art Work is by Ken Pyne.

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About Tiff 2931 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.