Sunday Afternoon:
A complete Witch Hunt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2018
Funny how all of the Pundits that couldn’t come close to making a deal on North Korea are now all over the place telling me how to make a deal!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2018
Everything wrong with Fox News in one video pic.twitter.com/MhnApiQ3pG
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) March 16, 2018
Kim Strassel of the WSJ just said, after reviewing the dumb Comey Memos, “you got to ask, what was the purpose of the Special Counsel? There’s no there there.” Dan Henninger of the WSJ said Memos would show that this would be one of the weakest obstruction cases ever brought!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2018
James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classified information. WOW! Will the Witch Hunt continue?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 20, 2018
End Flashback
For more about the memos @The News Blender or @The News Blender
Thank you to the incredible Law Enforcement Officers from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. They keep us safe and are very cool about it! pic.twitter.com/NlhxpPwmzT
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2018
This morning:
Hard to believe Obstructionists May vote against Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State. The Dems will not approve hundreds of good people, including the Ambassador to Germany. They are maxing out the time on approval process for all, never happened before. Need more Republicans!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2018
According to the LA Times,
Since Republicans took control of the Senate at the beginning of the 114th Congress last year, senators have voted to confirm only 22 of President Obama’s judicial nominees. That’s the lowest total since 1951-52, in the final years of Harry Truman’s presidency.
According to The Hill,
“The judicial confirmation process has been at a crawl for years. Now it has come to a functional standstill,” said Schumer.
Despite the Democrat inspired laws on Sanctuary Cities and the Border being so bad and one sided, I have instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security not to let these large Caravans of people into our Country. It is a disgrace. We are the only Country in the World so naive! WALL
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2018
For a list of Countries that have ‘open borders’ World Atlas.
Mexico, whose laws on immigration are very tough, must stop people from going through Mexico and into the U.S. We may make this a condition of the new NAFTA Agreement. Our Country cannot accept what is happening! Also, we must get Wall funding fast.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2018
For more on the NAFTA talks, Reuters.
Editorial Note, Featured Image Art Work is by Ken Pyne.