Tax Day Part Duex?

April 15th is the day we file taxes, unless that date falls on a weekend, in which case the date for filing  taxes changes to the Monday after the 15th weekend date, unless that date falls on a Federal Holiday, then the filing date is extended another day.

We now have another unless to add to those noted above: The unless comes from a ‘glitch’ that prevented the IRS from accepting Federal Tax returns for millions of American’s on Tuesday April 17th, 2018.

The ‘glitch’ appears to have been a hardware issue, the IRS said. They did advise taxpayers to continue filing their returns as they normally would, adding that the returns would be processed when feasible.

The new deadline, even in seeking an extension, is now April 18th, by midnight.

For more about the ‘glitch’: LA Times

On a related note, CBS News reported Tuesday afternoon that President Trump has filed for an extension on his 2017 tax return.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued a brief statement: “He will file his tax return by the extension deadline of October 15, 2018”

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About Tiff 2927 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.