Trump Tweets: Comey and Currency

The Drafted Memo

More about the Comey Memo, from CNN and Newsweek.

Comey “Lied” to congress is a they said–they said deal, there is simply not enough information available at this time to state he did or did not lie to congress.

Based on polls is refereeing to James Comey statement he made during an ABC interview that aired Sunday Night,

“Wasn’t the decision to reveal influenced by your assumption that Hillary Clinton was going to win, and your concern that, she wins, this comes out several weeks later and then that’s taken by her opponents as a sign that she’s an illegitimate president?,” Stephanopoulos asks.
 “It must have been,” Comey responds, adding, “I don’t remember consciously thinking about that, but it must have been. I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump. I’m sure that it was a factor. I don’t remember spelling it out, but it had to have been. That she’s going to be elected president, and if I hide this from the American people, she’ll be illegitimate the moment she’s elected, the moment this comes out.”

Full Interview broke down into 6 parts

Transcript Comey Interview

McCabe: The OIG office released it’s report stating that McCabe ‘Lacked Candor’ four times in regard to his discussing whether he was authorized or unauthorized to disclose to the media and the public a few days prior to the election of 2016 that Hillary Clinton’s Foundation was under FBI investigation.

Lack of Candor: The Offense Codes Applicable to the FBI’s Internal Disciplinary Process punish FBI employees for “lack of candor.” Offense Code 2.5 (Lack of Candor– No Oath) prohibits “[k]nowingly providing false information when making a verbal or written statement, not under oath, to a supervisor, another Bureau employee in an authoritative position, or another governmental agency, when the employee is questioned about his conduct or the conduct of another person.” Offense Code 2.6 (Lack of Candor– Under Oath) prohibits “[k]nowingly providing false information in a verbal or written statement made under oath.” Under both offense codes, lack of candor is defined to include “false statements, misrepresentations, the failure to be fully forthright, or the concealment or omission of a material fact/information.” OIG Official Report

It’s worth noting that according to the Official Report, one of the charges of Lack of Candor (no oath) was in regard to his speaking with James Comey about the nature of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s Foundation and the leak to the public any such investigation existed.

6 minutes after his first tweet the President than had this to ‘Tweet’


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About Tiff 2892 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.