Friday Afternoon Trump Tweets

February 28th President Trump said while speaking about new gun laws with a joint meeting of both Republicans and Democrats:

“You have to look at the age of 21.”

“You have to be very strong on the mentally ill”

“Don’t worry about Bump Stocks, we’re getting rid of it.”

President Trump through Attorney General Jeff Session’s issued an EA (Executive Action) directing the ATF to ban bump stocks without congress. The public comment period on this EA expires on June 27th.

In March of 2018 Congress passed and President Trump signed the 1.3 trillion dollars Omnibus Bill, this government funding bill lasts until September 2018, with the fiscal year stating on October first, mid term elections will be held across the nation on November 6th, 2018.

“Take the guns first, go through due process second.”


*End Flashback*

For a humorous look at President Trump’s speech from Friday before the NRA from Dallas Texas, @ CNN News:

3. “You had your water just pouring down on top of you, just kept coming and coming, he kept calling and calling, we need more money, money, money.”
It took me three readings to figure out that Trump is referring to the hurricanes that came through Texas in 2017. “You had your water just pouring down on top of you” is a sort of weird way to describe devastating hurricanes but I digress …
13. “On CNN, they have a headline: ‘Judge in Manafort case says Mueller’s aim is to hurt Trump.’ Do you believe that? This is what we’re up — It’s called the witch hunt.”
REMINDER: “The Fake News of big ratings loser CNN.” — Donald Trump, February 2018.Trump goes on to read from a large section of the article he mentions here. Which is proof that what he means when he says “fake news” — about CNN or other mainstream media organizations — is “news that is not good for me.” Also, here’s the article Trump read on stage.
16. “You know, people don’t realize, we have great love going on in this country, great love. It’s right here. We have … and — and by the way, you just saw the recent poll?
To be clear: This is not edited text. Trump really went from talking about the love in the room to his poll numbers. Seriously.
Full NRA Speech from Dallas, Texas.

President Trump has not tweeted in 17 hours.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.