Friday and Saturday Trump Tweets

Donald Trump speaking at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo by Gage Skidmore.


On Wednesday as reported by CBS Chicago, protests were expected to take place outside City Hall, “The members feel as though the city has turned its back on police in many ways,” said Martin Preib, of the Fraternal Order of Police, during an interview with CBS 2’s Derrick Blakley.”

Part of the Chicago Police protest centers on the lack of  progress made on a new contract, the other issue at hand is Police discipline, “This recent Rialmo ruling—guys are unable to figure out when they can defend themselves, (and) that’s a huge problem, said Pat Murray, union vice president.

For more on the Rialmo ruling Chicago Tribune.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in April 2018 signed a denial order against ZTE, after his office determined the company had lied to them during both their plea deal negotiations and after the telecom company had be placed on probation, after they paid their fine. @ The News Blender has several articles that explain then when and why’s of ZTE.

Joshua Holt and his wife Thamy Holt have been released from custody. The couple had been arrested at Thamy’s family home when neighbors accused the couple of stock piling weapons. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) aided the release.

The horrible law only applies to those that illegal cross the border with children, the Border Patrol agents remove the child, until such time as it is determine they really are related to the adult that illegally crossed the border.

“I want to be clear. DHS does not have a blanket policy on separating families as a deterrent. There is no new policy. This has always been the policy. But you will see more prosecutions because of the commitment to zero tolerance of illegal border entries.” Thomas Homan, deputy director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told NBC News.

Welcome home to Joshua and his wife Thamey for their return from Venezuela.

Jason Seaman a science teacher at Noblesville West Middle School, in Nobelsville Indian is recovering from three gun shot wounds suffered as he tackled the a male student who had wounded a thirteen-year-old student. Seaman tells CBS News, “I want to let everyone know that I was injured but am doing great. To all the students, you are all wonderful and I thank you for your support. You are the reason I teach.” The statement provided to a local CBS affiliate was offered by a friend.

The made up source as Yashar Ali points out is Matt Pottinger who serves on the National Security Council. He gave a background briefing to reporters.

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About Tiff 2927 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.