Monday and Tuesday Trump Tweets

The expectation is that President Trump will withdraw from the Iran Deal, but in what form that withdrawal takes, is still unknown.

USA Today, wrote that “A decision on whether to reimpose sanctions is also not as simple as it sounds:

Under the agreement, the United States and partners issued waivers of existing sanctions of Iran; Trump has renewed those waivers even as he has refused to re-certify the agreement overall.

The latest deadline to extend the waiver for sanctions on Iran’s central bank is Saturday, while another set of waivers expire in July, those waivers target Iranian individuals and the business sector.

Gina Haspel is the current acting Director of the CIA, filling the top spot after Mike Pompeo left the role to become President Trump’s second Secretary of State. Her confirmation hearing is set for Wednesday.

Last week, officials from the US traveled to Beijing, China to discuss, with Chinese officials, trade between the two countries. The second round of trade negotiations is set for next week, according to Reuters. China’s top economic official, Vice Premier Liu He, is scheduled to visit Washington to continue the negotiations.

John Kerry was the Secretary of State during the Iran deal negations. For more on John Kerry’s current attempts to save the Iran Deal, @ The News Blender 

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About Tiff 2725 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.