Monday and Tuesday Trump Tweets


ZTE, the second largest Chinese manufacturer of telecom network equipment in April had been barred from purchasing American components after Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross issued a denial order. The denial order came after the telecom giant pled guilty to violating United States Commerce laws when as The News Blender, that they:

purchased restricted parts, incorporated them into their smartphones, and then sold the smartphones with the restricted parts in Iran and North Korea, two state sponsors of terrorism.

After the guilty plea deal was reached between the United States and ZTE, ZTE was put on probation, it was discovered that during both the plea deal negotiations, and while under a seven year probationary period, ZTE had made false statements to the US Commerce department triggering the denial order.


*End flashback*

This latest round of attacks against White House staff leakers comes after it was revealed White House Aide, Kelly Sadler, in a private meeting said, “he’s dying anyway,” in response to Senator John McCain’s (R-Arizona) opposition to President Trump’s CIA director nominee Gina Haspel.

Sadler called Meghan McCain and apologized, but the White House has not issued a public apology. White House spokesman Raj Shah, told reporters on Monday that the problem was being handling internally.

For more on the White House leaks @ The News Blender.


It was announced on Monday that First Lady Melania Trump underwent surgery on her kidney for the full statement @ The News Blender.

Chinese Vice Premier Liu arrives in D.C. Tuesday set to meet with the U.S. delegation led by Treasury Secretary Steve Munchin, the trade talks are scheduled to last five days.

As of December 2017 Special Counsel’s office led by Robert Mueller had spent 3.2 million dollars investigating President Trump’s administration. The DOJ in support of the investigation spent 3.5 million dollars for a estimated total of 6.7 million dollars spent.

According to this April 1999 article from CNN the 4 year Kenneth Starr investigation into both the Monica Lewinsky scandal and Whitewater, cost an estimated 80 million dollars.


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About Tiff 2931 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.