Pacific Rim Rocked By Seismic Activity

While much attention has been deservedly given to the eruption of Kilauea, seismic activity for other nations around and inside the Pacific Rim is also a reason for concern.

Over the last day there have been earthquakes of magnitude:

5.2 in Peru, where some residents are still recovering from the 7.1 quake of January 14 (BBC)

5.8 off of Hokkaido, Japan (Earthquake Track)

5.2 in Guerrero, Mexico, which prompted evacuation warnings in nearby Mexico City (Reuters)

5.5 near the Marian Islands

6.2 in New Zealand.  (Express)

The New Zealand quake followed fifteen smaller quakes this weekend, four of which were magnitude of 4.0 or higher.

There have also been dozens of quakes around the Rim of lower than 4.0 magnitude that have spawned in the last 24 hours.

The abnormally active earthquake season, coupled with the severity of some of the quakes and the activity of some volcanoes, has experts speculating again about the possible timing of larger quakes.  Recent years have seen a succession of 7.0 and greater quakes in places all around the Rim, causing thousands of deaths and millions of dollars of destruction.


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About AlienMotives 1991 Articles
Ex-Navy Reactor Operator turned bookseller. Father of an amazing girl and husband to an amazing wife. Tired of willful political blindness, but never tired of politics. Hopeful for the future.