Yesterday’s Final Results 5/4/18
⭐️Pick the Best part about being Luke Skywalker and post some Jedi Cats ?#NationalStarWarsDay #StarWarsDay #Maythe4th #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #MayThe4thBeWithYou #LennyPolls
— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 4, 2018
?"Man vs. Food" Star Wars edition (Round 6) ⭐️
Yoda vs. Guacamole
(Post Green Stuff)#NationalStarWarsDay #StarWarsDay #Maythe4th #Fewds #LennyPolls— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 4, 2018
?Wear some Sunglassed and post 1337 h4X0rz ?️#FridayFeeling #StarWarsDay #Maythe4th #LennyPolls
— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 4, 2018
?Whac-A-Mole Tie breaker! ?
(Post some Bad Ties)#FridayFeeling #MayThe4th #MayThe4thBeWithYou #LennyPolls
Mole (Mexican Sauce) vs. Mole (Cindy Crawford)— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 4, 2018
Today’s Polls 5/5/18
Cervezas Revenge
?Drink a Mexican cerveza and post Montezuma's Revenge??#CincoDeMayo #CincoDeMayo2018 #SaturdayMotivation #Fewds #LennyPolls
— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 5, 2018
Danny Trejo vs. Tequila
??"Man vs. Food" Cinco De Mayo Edition (Round 7) ??
Danny Trejo vs. Tequila#CincoDeMayo #CincoDeMayo2018 #SaturdayMotivation #Fewds #LennyPolls— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 5, 2018
Comic Book Special Offers
?Mail Order an old comic book special offer and post some crazy gadgets ?#SaturdayMorning #SaturdayMotivation #LennyPolls
— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 5, 2018