The Post It Note: 5/28/18

News from the note…

A round up of the day’s news that might be of interest to you.

Consider this an OPEN THREAD,  folks. Chat about any of the stories listed, share links to stories that caught your eye today, and generally have a good time discussing whatever you want.



Trump honors fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetery

From CNN

President Donald Trump on Monday remembered fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, calling their love of country “more deep and more pure than most will ever know.”

“They marched into hell so that America could know the blessings of peace. They died so that freedom could live,” Trump said.

Trump also honored those whose loved ones died in combat, acknowledging “the depth of emotion that this day brings each year” to the families of the fallen.


Hometowns of Americans who died for U.S. since 9/11

From Axios

Today is the 17th Memorial Day since 9/11. Since then, 6,940 U.S. military service members have died for America.

Why it matters: Every partof the country has lost soldiers to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. All were Americans — someone’s neighbor, child, parent, mentor, buddy. Their average age was between 26 and 27 years old.

Note: The interactive map of military deaths per county within the article makes this link worth a click. 


The Patriotism of Deeds

From National Review

Memorial Day at its best is a unique American holiday. It’s the day when patriotism is focused less on what we think about America and more about what patriots do forAmerica. When we remember the fallen, we honor the ultimate individual act of love for a nation and its people — giving the “last full measure of devotion” in defense not just of American soil, but also in defense of the American idea.

In the age of Trump, there’s been much commentary and debate — including in the pages of National Review — about the difference between patriotism and nationalism. There’s been discussion about whether there is something unique about American patriotism, as distinct from the patriotism or nationalism that citizens of other countries feel for their own soil.

I think the answer is yes. There is something distinct about American patriotism, and that the best sort of American patriotism understands twin, interlocking truths — articulated by two Founding Fathers who were often fierce rivals, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.


Arlington National Cemetery nearing capacity: report

From The Hill

Arlington National Cemetery is getting close to capacity and may have to deny burial rights to most living veterans, The New York Times reported.

The cemetery is the final resting place for more than 420,000 veterans and relatives, according to the newspaper, and adds about 7,000 more annually. At such a rate, the cemetery will be full in 25 years.

The Army, which runs the cemetery, want to keep admitting new people to the cemetery for at least another 150 years, the Times noted.


 The News Blender would like to thank all members of the military for their service and military families who sacrifice so much for liberty.

Feel free to take a moment in the comment section to talk about your loved ones who have served and sacrificed.



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*Principle above party * Politically Homeless * Ex GOP * Tribalism is stupid* NeverTrump ≠ Pro Hillary. Anti-GOP ≠ Pro Dem. Disagreeing with you ≠ Liberal. Counter Social: @NoMorePlatosCave