Two items from the Seattle Times demonstrate the internal conflicts many gun control advocates are facing.
First, the failure of an attempt to limit ownership of semi-automatic rifles:
After the Parkland shootings, Sen. David Frockt, D-Seattle, sponsored Senate Bill 6620, which combined his earlier proposal on semi-automatic rifles with school-safety priorities that had been backed by Republicans. The more contentious parts of the bill would have expanded background checks to buy semi-automatic rifles, and raised the minimum age for their purchase.
Language in the bill would have immediately restricted purchase of most rifles to those 21 and over. The bill repeatedly references the Parkland massacre, giving weight to the allegations that the tragedy, which had victims across the political spectrum, has been used to fuel efforts at promoting gun restricting legislation in state and federal legislatures.
The article explains at length that the will to pass gun control legislation was absolutely present in Washington State’s Capitol, but an aggressive lobbying push by the NRA and similar groups convinced some of the elected representatives to vote against their consciences and with the demands of their constituents.
Second, the resolution of an issue with mountain goats in Olympic National Park:
Over five years, the Park Service estimates, about half of an estimated 725 goats would be transported to new homes in the North Cascades, according to the plan. Remaining goats would be killed with shotguns or high-powered rifles by park officials or skilled volunteers.
The goats have been aggressively interacting with hikers, often licking people to get needed salt from the sweat on their skin. And while this is usually merely annoying, it has in one case turned fatal. From the New York Daily News:
According to Jessica Baccus, a hiker and longtime friend of Willits who arrived on the scene shortly after the attack, Boardman had instructed the two women to get away from the goat while he tried to wave it off.
But when Boardman himself tried to escape, the animal attacked, goring him in the thigh.
The concerns about the aggressive goats are valid, but the method of culling them seems to be at odds with the concerns presented in the previously referenced bill. There was no effort to limit ownership to those who do not hunt (which has its own obvious issues) but rather with anyone below the age of 21. Gun ownership, according to some Washington lawmakers, needs to be diminished; but gun ownership and, more, training and marksmanship is required to fulfill domestic governmental desires.
And how will this hunting be performed?
Why, by helicopter, of course.
Helicopters could be used to capture goats and also in their killing. Carcasses would be left in the park (away from visitor areas and marmot habitat) or donated for eating.
Apparently some hunting practices are only considered inhumane when it’s not the government – and, for some, the correct brand of government – performing them.