Yesterday’s Final Results 5/1/18
?Fly an iconic spacecraft and post some funky aliens ?#TuesdayThoughts #LennyPolls
— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 1, 2018
??"Man vs. Food" Lenny Polls style (Round 3)?
Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Bratwurst
(Post Arnold clips)#TuesdayThoughts #Fewds #LennyPolls— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 1, 2018
??Read a Charles Perrault Fairy Tale and post a silly goose?#MotherGooseDay #TuesdayThoughts #LennyPolls
— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 1, 2018
Today’s Polls 5/2/18
Pacino Spaghetti with Meatballs
?"Man vs. Food" Lenny Polls style (Round 4) ??
Al Pacino vs. Spaghetti with Meatballs
(Post pasta and Pacino)#WednesdayWisdom #Fewds #LennyPolls— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 2, 2018
Mountain and a Whac-A-Mole
?Whac-A-Mole and post a Mountain of anything ⛰️#WackyWednesday #WednesdayWisdom #LennyPolls
— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 2, 2018
Ice Cream for Gracie
?Pick a flavor of ice cream for @nightowl197395 and post some frosty kids ?#WednesdayWisdom #Fewds #LennyPolls
— Lenny Ghoul Polls (@LennyPolls) May 2, 2018