Monday and Tuesday Trump Tweets

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


Rep Maxine Waters (D-CA) via CNN told reporters Monday, “I believe in peaceful, very peaceful protests. I have not called for the harm of anybody. This President has lied again when he’s saying that I’ve called for harm.”

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) has called on Waters to apologize.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) spoke on the senate floor about Waters call that people continue to harass members of the Trump administration, “I strongly disagree with those who advocate harassing folks if they don’t agree with you. If you disagree with a politician, organize your fellow citizens to action and vote them out of office, but no one should call for the harassment of political opponents. That’s not right. That’s not American.”

David Lynch a filmmaker best known for his work on Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, and Blue Velvet, was interviewed by The Guardian the interview was published Saturday.

The interview covers a wide range of topics, including his four marriages, why the filmmaker believes explaining his films is a ‘crime,’ and politics.

Lynch explains that he was a Bernie Sanders supporter and in the general election he supported former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson.

In the long article conversation turns to President Trump, the guardian quotes the director as saying, “He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.” While Trump may not be doing a good job himself, Lynch thinks, he is opening up a space where other outsiders might. “Our so-called leaders can’t take the country forward, can’t get anything done. Like children, they are. Trump has shown all this.”

Politico reported Sunday that, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) was overheard by sources saying, “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.” The incident happened on Friday night, during a dinner that was part of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s annual Majority Trust retreat.

Senator Warner has according to the linked article, said on Monday, “It was a bad joke. You know how seriously I take this investigation.”

@ The News Blender carried the event live.


Axios explains that CEO Matt Levatich told Bloomberg in April, their decision to build a plant in Thailand was made, “after the company realized Trump’s exit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership would make exporting motorcycles to Asia more expensive.”

Canada, Mexico, and the European Union have all announced retaliatory tariffs in response to President Trump’s tariffs 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum.  Tariffs that are already having a negative impact as was reported @ The News Blender Tuesday.

Harley-Davidson announced Monday they will shift production outside the U.S. on some of their motorcycles to sell directly to Europe, as their Thailand facility will sell motorcycles directly to Asia. Those motorcycles will not be sold in to the U.S.

CNN Money reported in early June that “German automakers sold 1.35 million vehicles in the United States in 2017, about 8% of total US car sales. Of those, only 494,000 were exported from Germany to the United States — 25% less than in 2013, according to the German car makers association.”

The linked article also lists several U.S. states that manufacturer European cars.

President Trump has products made in 12 countries. Ivanka Trump’s clothing line is made in 3 countries. Many of the items found at Trump’s U.S. properties are made overseas. The video is from July 2017.

Inspector General Report that was released two weeks ago, says no political bias found, it does however explain that Strzok and several personal emails, texts, and instant messages sent via Government Computers, gave the appearance of bias, and that the FBI did operate outside of normal FBI procedures while handling the Clinton emails and the start of the Russian meddling investigation.

Of note it’s been announced via ABC news tweet, that Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray will testify on Thursday before House Judiciary Committee

*Flashback star date June 5th 2017*

*End Flashback*

For more on the Supreme ruling @ The News Blender 

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.