Play Ball!

One year ago while practicing for a charity baseball game, in Alexandria, Virginia, Majority Whip Rep Steve Scalise (R-LA), along with three others were wounded when a gunman opened fire.

Scalise suffered a shattered hip, pelvis, and left femur, and severe damage to his internal organs. Scalise has undergone nine different surgeries, months of physical therapy since last years shooting.

One year later to the day of the shooting, on Thursday, Scalise took to the field to play second base in the 57th Congressional Baseball game.

Rep Chuck Fleischman (R-Tennessee) said, via The Hill, “this year is really special with Steve Scalise coming back. Everybody’s healed up. Just a very positive message,” he added, “I love this game.” Fleischman has been playing in the event for eight years.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) said, “Ours prayers are answered.”

Not all the fun could be found on the baseball field.

The game lasted seven innings, the Democrats came away with the win, defeating the Republican’s 21-5.

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About Tiff 2902 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.