The Summit Will Happen June 12th

Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump, Wayne's world Parody. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

On Friday President Trump meet with former North Korean spy and current top Nuclear negotiator for North Korea, Kim Young Chol.

After the meeting the President told the waiting press, that the one then off summit between the United States and North Korea, is once again on, and still planned for June 12th in Singapore.

The surprise meeting according to President Trump, @ the three minute and twenty-second mark, “actually very interesting because this was literally going to be the delivery of a letter and it ended up being a two-hour conversation, with the second most powerful man in North Korea.”

Full press announcement.


At the thirty-one second mark, “Japan is involved as you know, and South Korea is very much involved, we’re involved in terms of, of getting everything, everybody wants the United States, so we’re going help in the process very much.” He adds, ” without us it wouldn’t happen.”

At the fifty-two second mark speaking about China he says, “President Xi, who has helped me quite a bit with this.”

At the one minute and thirty-eight second mark he says, “I didn’t cancel the meeting, I cancelled the meeting in response to their letter.” It was a statement issued by North Korea in which they called Vice President Mike Pence a “political dummy and seemed to suggest nuclear war.” He adds, “I think we’re over that, totally over that, and now we’re going to deal and we’re going to really start a process.”

He cautions several times, “we’ll see, this is just the first meeting.”

At the two-minute and twenty-four second mark, “This was a meeting where a letter was given to me by Kim Jong Un and that letter was a very nice letter,” he teases the reporters, “oh would you like to see what was in that letter, how much how much…it was a very interesting letter and at some point, it might be released.”

At the three minute and thirty-seven second mark, “we talked about almost everything including sanctions.”

At the four minute and forty-one second mark, “You’re gonna see how powerful sanctions are when it comes to Iran.”

At the four minute and forty-nine second mark, “I tell you what, I look forward to the day when I can take the sanctions off of North Korea.”

At the five minute and five second mark, “We did not talk about human rights.”

At the five minute and sixteen second mark when asked if sanctions will remain, “It’s gonna remain what it is now, I don’t even want to use term maximum pressure anymore because I don’t want to use that term because we’re getting along you see the relationship.”

At the six minute and seven second mark, “Hey folks this should not be up to me this should have been handled a long time ago.”

At the six minute and twenty-eight second mark asked if the United States will help North Korea economically, “South Korea will do that no I don’t think the Unite States is gonna have to spend, I think South Korea will do it, I think China will do it, I think Japan will help out, no I don’t see the United States spending a lot of Money.”

At the seven minute and seventeen second mark, asked about North Korea meeting with Russia, “It could be a positive meeting, if it’s a positive meeting I love it, if it’s a negative meeting I’m not happy.”

At the ten minute and thirty-eight second mark asked about the letter from Kim Jong Un, “I haven’t seen the letter yet, I purposely didn’t open the letter, I haven’t opened it, I didn’t open it in front of the director, I said would you like me to open it, he said, you can read it later.” He jokes, “I may be in for a big surprise folks.”

He spends the next five or so minutes talking about NAFTA and how it’s been a terrible deal for the United States since day one. NAFTA was passed in December 1993 and took effect January 1st, 1994.

At the eleven minute and forty-six second mark he explains, “to be honest with you I wouldn’t mind seeing NAFTA where you’d go by a different name were you make a separate deal with Canada and a separate deal with Mexico.

At the thirteen minute mark he says, “They are our allies, but they take advantage of us economically. I love Canada, I love Mexico. I love them.”

CNN reported that the White House confirmed President Trump at 4 pm eastern read the letter.

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About Tiff 2927 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.