Tuesday and Wednesday Trump Tweets

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Monday addressed the press about the new “zero tolerance,” policy that was adopted in April.

During her presser she explained that Congress needs to close three loopholes that result in the border crisis and separating kids from their parents.

1. Amend 2008 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) 

“This law encourages families to put children in the hands of smugglers to bring them alone on the dangerous trek northward.”

2. Reform asylum laws 

“Right now our asylum system fails to assist asylum seekers who legitimately need it.”

3. Amend Flores Settlement agreement 

“we need to amend the Flores Settlement agreement and recent expansions which would allow allow for family detention during the removal process – and we need Congress fund our ability to hold families together through the immigration process.”

She tells the press the Administration didn’t create a policy of separating families. Her full remarks can be found @ DHS.gov

Attorney Jeff Sessions announced the “Zero Tolerance,” policy in April.

June 5th CBS news reported that Sessions speaking with radio show host Hugh Hewitt, CBS quotes Sessions as repeating what he said in his April announcement, “Yes.What’s happening is we are having more people coming bringing children with them entering between the ports of entry, between the ports of entry illegally, and they’re not, you cannot give them immunity. That’s an offense. We believe every person that enters the country illegally like that should be prosecuted.”

This clip was posted May 7th.


Earlier on Wednesday President Trump announced he was going to sign an EO that ends family separations at the border.

The IG report has shown political bias was not a factor in the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails nor the start of Russia election meddling. To read more about the report here & here.

His announcement on the upcoming EO that would end family separation can be found here, the segment is 24 minutes long.

The President, Vice President Pence, and the group of gathered Republicans, also discuss the economy and trade.

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.