#Boycott Walmart

Trending on twitter at the time of this post was the hashtag   


According to the USA Today article, on Monday President Trump Advocate Ryan Fournier took twitter sparking boycott 1 trillion and five when he asked how come Walmart was selling “impeach 45” baby clothing.

The item is/was being sold by a third party marketplace, that Walmart like Amazon uses to allow outside sellers to sell products to their costumers, such as “Hillary For Prison,” t-shirts, this product is no longer available.

Or items such as Make America Great Again red caps.

or these

In a statement via the linked USA Today article Walmart said, “These items were sold by third-party sellers on our open marketplace and were not offered directly by Walmart. We’re removing these types of items pending review of our marketplace policies.”

Why it Matters (opinion)

Free Market Capitalism is a glorious thing, Boycotts are the consumers way of expressing their unhappiness with a store, a movie star, or even a politician. The problem with most boycotts is they are selective one minute the store is the best ever store, the next the store sucks and nobody should shop there ever. Putting pressure on a store to stop offering the opposition product, regardless of what side is doing it, is soft “fascism,” they as a company are cratering to the markets demands, of both sides, as the pictures I posted indicated. That’s the American Way.

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2725 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.