Fallout From “Who is America?”

The Hill — Who is America? Is the title of a new Showtime show, that features Sasha Baron Cohen who disguises himself as various people and puts his guests in different interview type settings.

So far as was reported at The News Blender prior to the shows airing, Cohen has interviewed Sarah Palin the former Governor of Alaska, former Vice President Dick Cheney, who Cohen got to sign his “waterboarding kit,” among other names in the GOP.

The latest politician to be subject to Cohen’s brand of humor, Georgia state Rep. Jason Spencer (R).

In a show that aired Sunday, Cohen plays Israeli Military expert Erran Morad, who enlists the help of Spencer to film an “anti-terrorism,” video.

In the clip Spencer can be seen repeatedly shouting the N word after Cohen explains that shouting the “forbidden,” racial slur, can “ward off terrorists.”

(the word is not bleeped in the clip)

In another portion of the show Spencer exposes his butt to the camera, and yells, “USA, Mother F’er”

On Monday, according to the local Atlanta News website AJC, Georgia House Speaker David Ralston issued a statement shortly after the show aired on Sunday, “Representative Spencer has disgraced himself and should resign immediately, Georgia is better than this.”

Ralston’s office also stated that House Majority Leader Jon Burns (R), and House Minority Leader Bob Trammell (D) are considering filing a joint ethics complaint “targeting Spencer’s behavior.”

Brain Kemp (R) the current Secretary of State for Georgia and candidate for Governor, who faces a runoff on Tuesday pulled Spencer’s endorsement and called on Spencer to apologize.

Governor Nathan Deal (R) said of Spencer’s behavior that he was saddened, “There is no excuse for this type of behavior, ever, and I am saddened and disgusted by it.”

Spencer who lost the Republican primary bid, remains in office until the new class of lawmakers take office after Novembers mid-term election said in a statement Monday via AJC, that Cohen took advantage of his, “paralyzing fear that my family would be attacked,” he also states he was “distracted by my fears,” and he “apologizes,” for the “ridiculously ugly episode.”

Spencer has refused to step down, saying that “he was told the techniques would help him deter, an inevitable attack.”

Last week before the show aired Spencer told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution “This media company’s deceptive and fraudulent behavior is exactly why President Donald Trump was elected.”

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.