Sunday and Monday Trump Tweets

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


For more on this tweet @ The News Blender

*The Way Back Machine*







*End Trip in The Way Back Machine*

For more on his “threatening Tweet” @ The News Blender


On Saturday the DOJ released the redacted declassified FISA warrant application on one-time foreign adviser to the Trump campaign, Carter Page. The warrant application is 412 pages that contain both the original warrant and the subsequent renewals. The first warrant application was filed in October 2016.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed in May of 2017 by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein after President Trump fired James Comey, after Michael Flynn resigned having lied about his conversations with the Russian government. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s appointment was independent of the dossier.

FISA warrants are all classified.

Page 15-16 of the original FISA warrant application: Source #1 who now owns a foreign business firm, was approached by a U.S. company who told source #1 that a U.S. based law firm had hired the identified U.S. person to conduct research regarding Candidate #1’s ties to Russia. It also states that the FBI speculates that the identified U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s campaign.

The Hill: September 2016 after Yahoo News reported that Carter Page was “being investigated for allegedly meeting with Kremlin officials” The Trump campaign spokesperson Jason Miller denied any ties to Page via email sent to the Hill, “Mr. Page is not an advisor and has made no contribution to the campaign, I’ve never spoken to him, and wouldn’t recognize him if he were sitting next to me.” Another spokesperson, Steven Cheung also said that Page “had no role.”

Why that might matter

If Carter Page never spoke with or had dealings with Team Trump, it means that the FBI using him to spy on “Team Trump,” would have been useless.

As nobody knows aside from what is being reported on Russian Media, what the two discussed in their 2 hour private meeting, it’s unclear what is being reported he gave up, aside from leverage over Russian Election Meddling when he first, sided with Putin, walked it back, then now again, has sided with Putin, that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. 2016 election.

Washington Post: The article states that media including themselves, have reported in recent days that according to aides, “Trump has fumed at his aides in private about a lack of progress since the June 12 summit in Singapore, even as he publicly hails the success of the negotiations.”

According to the linked article, North Korea has “cancelled follow-up meetings, demand more money, and failed to maintain basic open communications,” with the U.S. even as the country maintains engagements with China and South Korea.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to testify on Wednesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, according to the Committee’s website. He is expected to address concerns about North Korea’s what the linked Washington Post article calls, “concealing key aspects of its nuclear program,” along with answering questions about the private meeting with Putin.

The United States Postal Service: Delivers mail and has since 1885 Monday through Saturday.

Their mission statement: The history of the United States Postal Service is rooted in a single, great principle: that every person in the United States – no matter who, no matter where – has the right to equal access to secure, efficient, and affordable mail service.

Amazon was not named in either Supreme Court ruling and started collecting sales tax in 2017. The “loophole” allowed that 3rd party sellers were exempt from having to collect state taxes along as they didn’t have a phyiscal presence in the state.

Bloomberg: Shortly after President Trump floated the idea that maybe the government ought to bring an Anti-Trust lawsuit against owner of Amazon and Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s stock fail, “Amazon fell as much as 2.4 percent after Trump’s tweet, before recovering some of that loss. The shares were down 0.7 percent to $1,800.25 at 10:26 a.m. in New York.”

Authors Opinion: If the Washington Post is a lobbyist for Amazon, wouldn’t that mean Fox News owned by Rupert Murdoch and Sinclair Media are lobbyist for President Trump and company?

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.