The Post It Note 7/23/18

News from the note…

A round up of the day’s news that might be of interest to you.

Consider this an OPEN THREAD,  folks. Chat about any of the stories listed, share links to stories that caught your eye today, and generally have a good time discussing whatever you want.


AP FACT CHECK: Trump wrong to say records show FBI cover-up

From AP

 President Donald Trump is mischaracterizing newly released FBI documents on the agency’s wiretapping of Carter Page, a onetime campaign adviser. Among his false claims is that the FBI relied on a politically tainted source and withheld that aspect from the court. The documents, available online after media outlets sued for their release, actually suggest the opposite.

AP looks at at how Trump’s tweets Monday run counter to the truth.


Ex-CIA chief on possible removal of security clearance: ‘Won’t have any effect on what I say’

From The Hill

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden said Monday that President Trump removing his security clearance won’t have any effect on what he says or writes.

“I don’t go back for classified briefings. Won’t have any effect on what I say or write.” Hayden tweeted shortly after White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced that Trump is considering revoking security clearances for an array of mostly Obama-era officials.

Besides Hayden, who served as CIA director under Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, officials include former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

While speaking on the matter, Sanders accused the officials, who are frequent critics of Trump’s, of “politicizing” and “monetizing” their public service.


Man arrested for throwing brick through Sen. Warner’s office in Roanoke

From Politico

Someone threw a brick through Sen. Mark Warner’s (D-Va.) office window in Roanoke early Monday morning, the lawmaker said on Twitter.

“Thankfully, due to the hour, no one was there and no one was hurt. We’re all extremely grateful for the quick, professional response of the Roanoke Police Department,” Warner said in the tweet. Warner’s office referred further comment to police.

A 36-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the incident, according to a CNN report. Police charged James W. Trainer with felony property damage after he was seen carrying bricks in the area around 7:30 a.m., CNN reports.


Avenatti pitched Michael Cohen on working together against Trump, source says

From CNN

Michael Avenatti pitched Michael Cohen on working together against President Donald Trump at their dinner encounter last week, according to a source briefed on the chance meeting.

Cohen, the former personal lawyer to the President, was dining with his son and another person at Scalintella on Manhattan’s Upper East Side when Avenatti, the attorney for former adult film star Stormy Daniels, walked into the restaurant. Cohen was eating dessert, according to the source.

Avenatti walked up to Cohen’s table and pitched him on working together to resolve their differences, the source said. Avenatti is representing Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, in a lawsuit against Trump over a dispute about a nondisclosure agreement that Cohen facilitated.


McFaul expected to meet with Trump’s top adviser on Russia at White House

From WaPo

Michael A. McFaul, a former U.S. diplomat and fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, will visit the White House on Tuesday for a private meeting with President Trump’s top adviser on Russia, according to two people familiar with the planned meeting.

McFaul, who served as U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, will meet with Fiona Hill, a senior director on the National Security Council who joined the president for last week’s summit with Putin in Helsinki, said the people familiar with the matter, who were not authorized to speak publicly.


White House: Bolton to meet with Russian counterpart next month

From Politico

White House national security adviser John Bolton plans to meet with his Russian counterpart next month to follow up on President Donald Trump’s historic sitdown with Russian President Vladimir Putin, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

Sanders’ statement came in response to a question about why the White House still hasn’t released details about the closed-door meeting between the two leaders a week after it took place.

“The only specific agreement made was the two national security teams from both the United States and Russia would continue at a working level,” she said at the press briefing before making the announcement about Bolton.


Federal prosecutors received 12 audio tapes seized from Cohen

From The Hill

Federal prosecutors have received 12 audio tapes seized from President Trump‘s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

Special master Barbara Jones, who was assigned to review items the FBI seized from Cohen earlier this year, said the tapes were released to federal investigators and prosecutors on Friday, though the content of the tapes is unclear.

Last week, the news broke that Cohen had secretly recorded a conversation with Trump in 2016 in which they discussed payments to a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with Trump.


House Dems press Trump on bump stocks ban

From The Hill

Dozens of House Democrats on Monday urged President Trump to back a legislative ban on bump stocks, the devices that accelerate the shooting power of semi-automatic firearms.

The president expressed an openness to outlaw such products last year, after a gunman used them in the killing of 58 people at a concert in Las Vegas — the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Since then, administration officials in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) have proposed a rule to regulate bump stocks like machine-guns, which would essentially bar them outright.

In the eyes of many Democrats, however, that’s not enough. Regulations can be overturned by a future administration, they argue, requiring congressional action to ensure a more permanent prohibition. They’re hoping Trump will get on board.

Blankenship to file for third-party Senate candidacy in W.Va.

From The Hill

Ex-coal CEO Don Blankenship is preparing to run as a third-party candidate in the West Virginia Senate race after losing his bid for the GOP nomination in a move that is likely to spark a fierce legal battle.

Blankenship’s campaign announced that he will file paperwork on Tuesday to appear on the ballot in November as the Constitution Party’s Senate nominee.

The move will probably spark a high-stakes legal battle in the state, viewed as one of a handful of contests that will determine which party controls the Senate next year.

“Mr. Blankenship does not expect the filing to be certified and will vigorously challenge the denial through all legal means necessary. Mr. Blankenship fully expects to be on the ballot this November,” Blankenship’s campaign said in a press release on Tuesday.


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About Beth 2803 Articles
*Principle above party * Politically Homeless * Ex GOP * Tribalism is stupid* NeverTrump ≠ Pro Hillary. Anti-GOP ≠ Pro Dem. Disagreeing with you ≠ Liberal. Counter Social: @NoMorePlatosCave