Trump Tweets: Weekend Edition

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


President Trump on Monday during a joint press conference with Putin, during which he said in response to the question, who do you believe about election interference the U.S. intel community that states Russia did in fact try and interfere with the election going so far as to hack States Election Board computers, successfully stealing 500,000 voters personal information, or Putin? President Trump replied, he wanted to see the DNC server, among other things, then he stated, “Dan Coats came to me and some others and said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin he just said its not Russia. I will say this I don’t see any reason why it would be, but I really do want to see the server, but I have, but I have confidence in both parties.”

On Tuesday President Trump clarified the statement saying he misspoke when he said the word “would,” he meant “wouldn’t.” During his clarifying statement President Trump said he had full faith in the intel communities findings about Russian Election Interference he added “it could have been other people.”

(The linked articles @ The News Blender)

Our Constitution prohibits our government from making any law that forces us to have to stand for Anthem. President Trump is the government.


In April the FBI raided Michael Cohen’s office and home, they had a legal search warrant, that was legally obtained.

On Friday it was reported that the one time personal lawyer of President Trump, Michael Cohen, recorded conversations, at least one of those is regarding President Trump, then candidate Trump and a payment to a Playboy model to keep her silent about an affair she alleges they had in 2006.

(The linked articles @ The News Blender)


Several media outlets filed Freedom of Information Act requests to have the redacted warrant application on Carter Page released to the public. The redactions are to protect sources, methods, and human assets.

The New York Times: The Article explains that all four of the judges that signed off on the FISA (PDF) warrant, were appointed by Republicans moreover, it is clear in the documents released, that the Judges were aware that some of the information came from opposition research from Christopher Steele, who was working for Fusion GPS, who was hired by the DNC.

For more on the released documents @ The News Blender

Multiple sources are reporting that President Trump still have failed to debrief his cabinet on what exactly happened during the two hour private meeting he held with Putin. On Thursday The White House announced a visit in the fall to the White House by Putin was being worked out, his National Intelligence Director was giving an interview at the time of the announcement and seemed taken aback.

(The linked article @ The News Blender)

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.