Tuesday and Wednesday Trump Tweets

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


Trump Tweet 8/7/18 11:25 am 

Trump Tweet 8/7/18 7:59 p.m. 

The News Blender — “Ohio’s 12th district has been solidly Republican, only once breaking for a Democrat (1980, amidst fear that Reagan was a fiscally-clueless warmonger) since 1939.” 

Trump Tweet 8/7/18 8:18 p.m.

Ohio — The special election winner will hold the seat for three months until they must defend the seat against the loser of the special election, according to multiple sources. 

Trump Tweet 8/7/18 8:23 p.m. 

James Tweet 8/7/18 7:49 p.m. 

Senate nominee John James did re-tweet the President’s tweet. 
The New York Times — James will face incumbent Senator Debbie Stabenow (D) in November 
John James 514,922 54.7% beat republican challenger Sandy Pensler 426,517 45.3% with 99% precincts reporting. 

Trump Tweet 8/7/18 8:52 p.m. 

Current Governor of Michigan Rick Snyder (R) has been term limited. 
The New York Times — Republican Bill Schuette will face Democrat Gretchen Whitmer in November to decide the next Governor of Michigan, both as the graph below shows, defeated their challengers in easy fashion. 

New York Times Linked article graph

Trump Tweet 8/7/18 9:28 p.m.

The New York Times — Claire McCaskill probably the most vulnerable Democrat Senate seat due to her low approval ratings defeated six challengers, the closest one being Carla Wright who had 40,971 6.8% to McCaskill’s 500,162 82.6%. McCaksill now faces Josh Hawley who had 64,718 58.6% to his closet challenger Tony Monetti who had 64,718 9.8%. 
Of note — This race included Libertarian Austin Petersen who had sought the Libertarian Presidential Nomination in 2016, he finished third, with 54,810 8.3%. 


Trump Tweet 8/8/18 7:31 a.m.

Trump Tweet 8/8/18 8:14 a.m.

The general election is November 6th, 2018. 

For what it’s worth — CBS News still has Ohio and Kansas as “too close to call,” as do other media outlets.  

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.