Former Apprentice star and former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman is back in the news on Monday after two media appearances.
First up her appearance on The View, promoting her book Unhinged, Omarosa during her appearance released another tape, one of the several she has admitted to recording without others knowledge as was reported @ The News Blender, here, and here, she has already released three tapes, one from a phone call with President Trump, her firing featuring Chief of Staff John Kelly, and one in which President Trump’s daughter in-law Lara Trump offers Omarosa a job shortly after being fired from her White House job.
The clip is thirty-six minutes long, cued to 14:07 for the start of Omarosa’s appearance it ends at the 29:50 mark.
In the tape aired on The View Omarosa states while setting up the clip that when “Donald Trump, got bored,” which she said was often, President Trump would try to “figure out what meetings were taking place,” according to Omarosa, he’d “crash those meetings,” she explains that during a communications meeting where the entire department was gathered to discuss his trip to North Korea and tax reform, President Trump crashed the meeting and talked about Hillary Clinton’s “Russian Collusion.” The tape is played at the 26 minute and 10 second mark. And according to Omarosa was recorded in October of 2017.
Tape starts:
President Trump: I think Hillary is getting killed now with Russia. The real Russia story is Hillary and collusion. Somebody told me, Hope, [Hicks former communication director] you told me, it was $9 million they spent on the phony report.
Sarah Sanders: Closer to six
Hope Hicks: Yeah, someone just said, “She’s far worse for the country than we thought if she didn’t know her own campaign was spending $9 million.”
President Trump: Did you see? Nobody knows who sent it. No, I hear it was nine. I heard it was 5.7 [million] but now they say it was nine. It was spent through a law firm that way they can’t trace it. But they trace it. One thing in this business is they trace it and, yeah, close to $9 million. I can’t even believe it. The reason a law firm is because this way you don’t have to give any papers. But they found out, it’s definitely illegal and it’s illegal from a campaign standpoint, from a campaign financing standpoint. So the whole Russia thing, I think seems to have turned around. What do you think Sarah [Sanders]?
Sarah Sanders: Absolutely.
Tape Ends:
Next Omarosa’s appearance on MSNBC where another part of the October 2017 tape is played, the comments from President Trump come shortly before his statements about Hillary Clinton and Russian collusion.
In this portion of the tape, President Trump starts with speaking about the economy, and shifts, into speaking about terrorist from the Middle East fleeing to Niger.
Her appearance in this clip is 6:46 seconds long.
Tape is played at 1 minute and 26 seconds.
Trump: We had 3.2. last quarter before this, so it’s really, it’s really going good. And we have a lot of things happening on the economic front. I think the military’s doing good. And now, on Niger. So, what happens is we’re decimated- You know, it’s a rough business. They’re rough too, they wanna kill us. We’ve let the military do what they have to do. And whether you call it rules of engagement or any way you want to say it, but we’ve let them do. And in the Middle East, there’s very few left.
We really — we’ve done a very good job. We’ve done more in 7 months, because really it’s 7 months that we’ve started- we’ve done more in 7 months than they’ve done in 8 years, okay? And so we’re- but what happens, is now they flee, and they flee to Africa, and they flee to Niger, and countries around there. And that’s how these, [inaudible] people get attacked, and they got attacked by 50 real fighters. There were people in many cases, that were in the Middle East, that now go to Africa to try and you know, cause problems there. And ultimately they wanna come back here, because this is where they really wanna be.
So it’s a rough uh, business. I wouldn’t, I don’t think I’d want to be a terrorist right now. [Laughter] it’s not a good life, but it’s uh, the only thing that-What else is there? But um, but that is- You know people don’t say that. The reason they’re there, is because we forced them out, and it’s not nearly as many, it’s not nearly as intense, but it’s pretty intense, you see that happening. So that’s that.
At the end of the tape you hear the start of the tape Omarosa played on The View, picking up with “Uh, I think Hillary’s getting killed now with Russia. The real Russia story is Hillary and collusion. Somebody told me-”
During her appearance on both The View and MSNBC, Omarosa states her theory that Vice President Pence’s Chief of Staff, Nick Ayers, is the author of the New York Times anonymous Op-Ed piece, she bases her theory on reviewing emails from Ayers, saying the writing styles are similar.