Trump Tweets: Labor Day Edition (Updated)

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

President Trump took to twitter Monday morning to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day!

As the News Blender Reported, here, here, and here, a Trade deal with Canada is unlikely to succeed in the near future, at least before the new trade deal with Mexico can be passed through Congress. 

After President Trump wished a Happy Labor Day he told us all to “Celebrate Labor Day!” 

Before the wishing of a happy Labor Day and before celebrating Labor Day, President Trump first called out AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, for comments Trumka made on Fox News’ Fox News Sunday, hosted by Chris Wallace. 

According to The Hill the comments that can be found in the video above that President Trump took issue with were when Trumka said, “He hasn’t come up with an infrastructure program that could put a lot of us back to work. He overturned a regulation that would deny over 5 million overtime that they would’ve had. He overturned some health and safety regulations that will hurt us on the job.” 

Trumka does agree with President Trump’s stance on NAFTA, telling Chris Wallace, via Fox News, “calling the 1994 agreement “devastating” to American workers.” Trumka added that he doesn’t believe a deal with only Mexico is feasible stating, “Our economies are integrated. It’s hard to see how that would work without Canada on the deal.”

President Trump deleted the original tweet that can be viewed @ Did Trump Tweet It only to issue it again later on Monday 


President Trump is back on Twitter this time his ire is directed at his Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Which happened after he explained that the “U.S. was respected again” 

At this time it appears that President Trump is referring to Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) and Rep Duncan Hunter (R-CA) as the “very popular Republican’s” that were both recently charged with crimes. 

Collins as the News Blender reported early August, was arrested and charged with insider trading, along with his son, and son’s future father-in-law. The crime according to the indictment was committed around June 2017. 

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) as was reported @ The News Blender along with his wife Margaret Hunter were indicted for misusing campaign funds, using them for personal expenses, along with filing false campaign finance records. The misuse began in 2009 continuing through until 2016. 

Attorney General Jeff Sessions was confirmed February 8th 2017 as was reported @ The New York Times, by a “near-party-line vote, 52-47” 

Saturday the New York Times reported that Department of Justice’s Bruce Ohr, and former British MI-6 agent Christopher Steele, had been part of an attempt made to turn Oleg V. Deripaska into an informant. 

Deripaska, is a Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin often referred to as, “Putin’s oligarch.” 

The article says the attempts started in 2014 carrying through until 2016, with “one dramatic encounter,” taking place at a home that Deripaska maintains in New York, the FBI showing up unannounced and the Times goes onto say, the FBI “pressed him on whether Paul Manafort, a former business partner of his who went on to become chairman of Mr. Trump’s campaign, had served as a link between the campaign and the Kremlin.” 

The article does state the attempts to turn Deripaksa were unsuccessful. 

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About Tiff 2719 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.