The Post It Note 10/27/18

News from the note…

A round up of the day’s news that might be of interest to you.

This is an OPEN THREAD,  folks. Chat about any of the stories listed, share links to stories that caught your eye today, and generally have a good time discussing whatever you want.

Trump says rally to go on as planned after synagogue shooting

President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will hold a political rally in Illinois as planned after a deadly shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue earlier in the morning.

The Saturday afternoon rally in Murphysboro, Illinois, will follow a stop in Indianapolis, Indiana, for an agriculture convention and mark another of many campaign stops for the President as he seeks to boost Republicans with just days remaining until the midterm elections.

Reporters were told ahead of Trump’s remarks in Indianapolis that he was considering canceling the Illinois stop, but Trump said at the convention Saturday afternoon that he did not want to “let people that are evil change our lives.”

“So I think when I’m finished with this, I should go to Illinois,” Trump said. “I will go to Illinois, and we’ll keep our schedule the way it’s supposed to be, and we should all do that, and I maybe recommend that to others also.”


Pennsylvania candidates cancel campaign events after Pittsburgh synagogue shooting

Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and Gov. Tom Wolf canceled a series of campaign events with other state Democratic candidates Saturday in light of the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue earlier in the morning.

At least 12 people were shot and four killed in Saturday morning’s shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, according to city officials.

The four rallies in Western Pennsylvania, which were to focus on “what’s at stake in this election and the importance of getting out to vote on November 6th,” were called off with no notice on rescheduling, according to statements from the Casey campaign.


Pence: ‘There is no place in America for violence or anti-Semitism’

Vice President Pence lamented the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday and said that “there is no place in America for violence or anti-Semitism and this evil must end.”

Speaking at an event for local Republicans in Las Vegas, Pence said that the violence in Pittsburgh was an assault on American values.

“It was not just criminal, it was evil,” he said of the shooting.

“An attack on innocent Americans and an assault on our freedom religion.” 

The Hill

Cesar Sayoc was a DJ, bodybuilder and pizza delivery man before he became a bomb suspect

Hours before his arrest, Cesar Sayoc was playing music sets at a Florida strip club.

Few there were aware of his political views.

“He was a nice guy,” Stacy Saccal, the club’s general manager, told CNN affiliate WPTV. “He would make jokes, just funny.”

At least four times a week over the last two months, the 56-year-old parked his white Dodge van plastered with stickers supporting President Donald Trump and depicting some of Trump’s critics with targets over their images near the Ultra Gentlemen’s Club in West Palm Beach.

Sometimes he would work as a DJ and others as a bouncer.

Sayoc was arrested Friday after federal authorities said he sent 14 pipe bombs through the US mail to prominent Democrats around the country. None of the bombs detonated, and no one was injured. He’s facing federal charges and could receive up to 48 years in prison if convicted.


Democrats flood Wisconsin to take down Scott Walker

Want to know just how important Wisconsin is in the midterm election? Take a look at the political luminaries who visited over the past six days.

Sen. Kamala Harris on Sunday. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday. President Donald Trump on Wednesday. And, the biggest prize of all for Democrats, former President Barack Obama on Friday.

“The consequences of anyone sitting out of this election are profound,” Obama told a crowd of about 3,500 people in a north Milwaukee high school auditorium Friday. “The character of our country is on the ballot.”

With a tight contest for Speaker Paul Ryan’s open congressional seat, a competitive Senate race and a battle for governor that is about as close as it can get, the state that slipped through Democrats’ hands in the 2016 presidential election is getting obsessive attention from both parties in the run-up to Election Day.


From the “Name and Shame the Grifters” File

From the “Here Are Some Baby Animals To Look At And Enjoy” File

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About Beth 2803 Articles
*Principle above party * Politically Homeless * Ex GOP * Tribalism is stupid* NeverTrump ≠ Pro Hillary. Anti-GOP ≠ Pro Dem. Disagreeing with you ≠ Liberal. Counter Social: @NoMorePlatosCave