Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody Parody (Opinion Rhapsody).
Published Nov 6 2018
h/t jill kent
I’m not saying it’s aliens, but …
Last week, some Harvard University scientists sparked widespread media attention about a possible alien origination for the mysterious interstellar object known as ‘Oumuamua. At the end of a paper speculating about the object’s observed movement, the authors presented “a more exotic scenario” suggesting that ‘Oumuamua may be “a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization.”
As we reported at the time, this outlandish theory may have been catnip for online news editors, but there just wasn’t much evidence to take it seriously. Now, thanks to some previously unpublished observations by NASA, we can further discount the idea.
ARS Technica; Nov 14 2018
Update story
In September, the News Blender brought readers the story about the Boston communities of Lawrence, Andover and North Andover were rocked by natural gas explosions, leaving one person dead, injuring at least 23 people, and led to “scores of simultaneous structure fires,” causing over 8600 homes and businesses to be evacuated as emergency crews responded to multiple fires following multiple explosions.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) have concluded their investigation and released their report Wednesday, NPR reported, and have “pinpointed what caused the sudden explosions on Sept 13 – a natural gas company field engineer made a major mistake in the plans he developed for construction work that happened earlier that day, resulting in a disastrous chain reaction.”
On the day of the explosion the Columbia Gas of Massachusetts company were planning construction work for that day to install “a new plastic distribution main to replace the old cast-iron one.”
According to the report, the crew abandoned the old main with regulator-sensing lines still in it. The regulator-sensing lines were part of a system that controlled the gas network’s pressure.
When the old main was disconnected and started losing pressure, the regulators kicked in and flooded the new main with high-pressure gas.
“As a result, natural gas was delivered to customers at pressure well above the maximum-allowable operating pressure which led to the ignition of fires and explosions in homes,” the report states.
A monitoring center for Columbia Gas in Ohio apparently received warnings about high pressure shortly before the explosions started but was not able to remotely control the valves that were causing the pressure to ratchet up.
The federal investigators say the work plans for the construction job were put together by a field engineer with “limited knowledge about the importance of the regulator-sensing lines or the consequences of losing the capability to sense the main pressure.”
NPR; Nov 16 2018
According to The Hill, two Florida white supremacist gangs that were busted nets a rocket launcher and pipe bombs along with over 100 illegals firearms.
Nearly 40 members of two white supremacist gangs in Florida were arrested as the result of a massive drug trafficking sting, authorities announced this week.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida announced that 39 members of the Unforgiven and United Aryan Brotherhood gangs were charged with various federal firearms and drug violations.
The Hill; Nov 16 2018
Authorities seized more than 100 illegal firearms, a rocket launcher and several pipe bombs as part of the raid, local ABC affiliate WFTS-Tampa Bay reported. Authorities also reportedly found several pounds of crystal meth and fentanyl.