Jack Burckman and Jacob Wohl Meet the Press

News Media Standards. Image by Sollok29.

Tuesday the News Blender reported that the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office had referred to the FBI a matter regarding a company allegedly offering two women money in exchange for making accusations of sexual misconduct against the Special Counsel himself, Robert Mueller.


Jack Burkman, a Republican lobbyist and radio show host, used the company Surefire Intelligence to investigate women who he says allege that Mueller has sexually assaulted them.

Surefire Intelligence made headlines Tuesday when journalists reported that two women, one who doesn’t seem to exist, received emails for someone claiming to work for Surefire Intelligence offering the two women money in exchange for stating Mueller had sexually assaulted them. When some of the journalists being questioning the emails from at least one of the women, they found digital footprints linking Surefire Intelligence to twenty year old Jacob Wohl. NBC News reported “Surefire’s official phone number redirects to his mother’s voicemail.” Wohl denied any part of working for or owning Surefire Intelligence.

The journalists that received the emails about bribes and sexual assault charges referred the matter to the Special Counsel office sometime last week. The Special Counsel’s Office sent the matter to the FBI to be investigated.


At noon eastern a press conference was held in a dimly lit room at a Holiday Inn, in Virginia. Burkman had teased according to Law and Crime the presser saying in a video post he would “reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sex assault victims.” Wohl also teased the event via Twitter.

Prior to the presser Wohl tweeted out that Antifa had arrived.

The rat it turns out belonged to liberal activist Claude Taylor.

Wohl tweeted out a picture of the “bussed in mob.”

Turns out that the bus may have been a city bus according to several Twitter users, but reporter for Right Wing Watch, Jared Holt explained the bus left before the press conference started.

When the presser was teased Burkman said the accuser would be present, but just hours before the presser it was announced that the accuser was unable to attend the event because she was “fearful for her life.”

Once the press conference started Wohl explained that his client Carolyne Cass, a fashion designer from L.A., had contacted his company Surefire Intelligence earlier this year to handled what he called “an estate matter.” Having worked with Wohl’s company before Cass is said to have contacted Wohl again in September when she first saw a news report about Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Wohl tells Cass’s story.

The allegation

Wohl explains that Cass, who would have been around twenty-five at the time and her friend in August between the 2nd and 5th had gone to have drinks at the St. Regis Hotel in New York city. She met a man who was “older,” who told her he was cop, later saying he worked for the FBI. The man started to “hit on her,” she in an attempt to distance herself from the man changed bar stools. Later, the man is said to have “physically pulled her by her hand toward the elevator,” in the interest of not “making a scene,” Cass explained to Wohl that she accompanied the man to his suite located on the 19th floor. He told the reporters it was then that “Mueller,” offered her a drink, threw her on the bed and proceeded to “brutally rape,” her. The event took between five to ten minutes, the woman grabbed her heels, fled the room went home, showered called her friend that had been at the bar with her and explained, “that this was not a date with an older man to see what this was like. This had gone horribly wrong and something horrible had happened.”

The Questions

Shortly after Wohl finished telling Cass’ story, Burkman and Wohl took questions.

Wohl was asked how come he denied involvement in Surefire Intelligence. He replied, “it was important that I preserved my anonymity,” during this on-going investigation.

Wohl was asked about his experience in matters of investigation, what was his training, given he was only twenty years old. Wohl starts to reply with “I’ve handled over the years a number of cases,” Burkman takes over and tells the press Jacob is “brightest,” guy he knows, adding, “Jacob is a child prodigy who has eclipsed Mozart.”

It’s during the Q&A that it’s discovered the clients first name is spelled wrong, the two men can’t agree on if it’s Carolyn with or without an “E” on the end, Burkman explains he is responsible for the typo in the affidavit and her name is spelled with an “E” at the end.

As to proof the accusation is correct or at the very least Cass’ is credible Wohl tells reporters, “She’s gone to school’s around the world.” Prior to the event the pair handed out two documents one was the affidavit, the other was a FBI schedule that showed Mueller was in New York on August 5th, 2010.

The Washington Post  on August 3rd, 2010, posted a small blurb about FBI Director Mueller at the time he was spotted serving jury duty, though he was dismissed rather quickly. Wohl and Burkman accused Mueller of “leaking” the story to the Post, which was posted eight years ago. Wohl also states that sometimes people are at jury duty, but also other places at the same time.

Burkman and Wohl were questioned about Mueller’s security detail, where were they is asked, Burkman says, “we’ll come back to that.” They never go back to that.

The full presser is available here.

For the record Burkman managed to conduct the whole presser with his fly down.

Another question asked of the pair is if they were ready for federal prison. Burkman chuckles nervously and says “no.”

It’s been reported that Gateway Pundit where Wohl first posted his accusations against Mueller, has parted ways with Wohl or at least has distanced their website from him.

Burkman said Cass will be present for a future unnamed date and time to the press for questions.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.