News from the note…
A round up of the day’s news that might be of interest to you.
This is an OPEN THREAD, folks. Chat about any of the stories listed, share links to stories that caught your eye today, and generally have a good time discussing whatever you want.
Obama: GOP has "racked up enough indictments to field a football team" https://t.co/ZORbWcIqkQ pic.twitter.com/lFkRBmLSeb
— The Hill (@thehill) November 5, 2018
Among those who say they are very likely to vote or have already voted, Democrats lead by 4 percentage points, a new poll shows https://t.co/rO8ujXH9C5
— POLITICO (@politico) November 5, 2018
NBC said it would stop running an immigration-themed Trump ad that CNN called racist. “After further review we recognize the insensitive nature of the ad and have decided to cease airing it across our properties as soon as possible."https://t.co/w10T8x9pT8
— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 5, 2018
Fox News has also pulled a controversial anti-immigration ad paid for by the Trump campaign connecting a Mexican immigrant who killed two police officers in 2014 to the migrant caravanhttps://t.co/TJiPHqcgWO
— Axios (@axios) November 5, 2018
Politician mocked by SNL's Pete Davidson won't ask for an apology https://t.co/GzgOeOeF7v pic.twitter.com/KuCmHOOczE
— The Hill (@thehill) November 5, 2018
Trump preemptively spread blame around for the results of Tuesday's midterms elections, accusing CNN of peddling "fake suppression polls" and floating the prospect of widespread fraudulent voting https://t.co/8dBvqs3yOR
— POLITICO (@politico) November 5, 2018
Brzezinski: Trump said he knew Obama "birther" theory was bad, "but it works" https://t.co/q0mxTmpRDG pic.twitter.com/3ybEjD7JHR
— The Hill (@thehill) November 5, 2018
The Supreme Court won’t take up net neutrality — this time https://t.co/RPr1qoQQfW
— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) November 5, 2018
Here's a step-by-step guide on what to do if you're told you can't vote https://t.co/xzw3S9L9sF pic.twitter.com/LXdzO7riPZ
— CNN (@CNN) November 5, 2018