Trump Tweets: The Feud Edition…

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

@ 10:26 a.m. President Trump tweeted that “of course,” the U.S. “should have captured,” the mastermind behind the September 11th, terror attacks, “before we did.” He added that he “pointed him out in my book just BEFORE,” the terror attack. He went on to blast Pakistan for not telling us that Bin Laden “was living there. Fools!…” 

@ 10:41 a.m. President Trump continued the tweet stating we no longer pay “Pakistan the $Billions because they would take our money and do nothing for us.” He added, “Afghanistan being another.” He concluded the tweet by writing “That’s ENDING,” regarding countries “that take from the United States without giving anything in return.” 

Hours before President Trump tweeted about Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Osama Bin Laden, the Prime Minster of Pakistan issued several tweets pushing back against comments President Trump made to Fox News show host Chris Wallace, the interview which was taped Friday aired Sunday.  

During his interview with Chris Wallace, the President is asked how he felt about the Judges ruling that stated the White House must give back CNN’s Jim Acosta’s White House credentials after a testy exchange that happened between Acosta and President Trump the day after the midterm elections. 

After the President explains it’s not the whole of the news media he thinks of as the “enemy of the people,” but rather fake news he labels as such, Wallace brings up retired Admiral William McRaven.

McRaven who oversaw the raid that led to the death of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, stated in February 2017, that he found President Trump’s labeling of the media as the enemy to be, “the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime.” McRaven’s full comments can be found here

Before Wallace can finish the question or explain further to President Trump, President Trump calls McRaven a “Hillary backer, and an Obama backer,” and explains “wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that? Wouldn’t it have been nice? You know, living — think of this — living in Pakistan, beautifully in Pakistan.”

Wallace attempts to keep the comments on the media, but President Trump shifted instead toward U.S. aid to Pakistan. 

The clip is 13 minutes long with Wallace’s question about McRaven coming at the 4 minute and 39 second mark.  

McRaven pushed back against President Trump telling CNN, “I stand by my comment that the President’s attack on the media is the greatest threat to our democracy in my lifetime. When you undermine the people’s right to a free press and freedom of speech and expression, then you threaten the Constitution and all for which it stands.”

In August of this year McRaven penned an op-ed for the Washington Post in response to President Trump revoking former CIA director John Brennan’s security clearance. 

This is the tweet that Chris Wallace references during the interview. 

For what it’s worth currently we are still at war in Afghanistan. 

Bonus Tweets: 

President Trump announced his intention to hold two MAGA rallies in Mississippi, one from Tupelo, the other from Biloxi, on Monday November 26th. 

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith who Politico reports was appointed to her seat in March after Senator Thad Cochran retired, faces a runoff in Mississippi facing Democrat Mike Espy. 

Hyde-Smith has come under fire after comments surfaced in which she said, “If he invited me to a public hanging, I’d be on the front row,” to which her campaign responded via Politico, “In a comment on Nov. 2, I referred to accepting an invitation to a speaking engagement. In referencing the one who invited me, I used an exaggerated expression of regard, and any attempt to turn this into a negative connotation is ridiculous.” 

The Espy campaign spokesman, Danny Blanton called her comments “reprehensible,” adding, “we need leaders, not dividers, and her words show that she lacks the understanding and judgment to represent the people of our state.” 

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.