Trump Tweets: The Live Biloxi, Mississippi Rally Edition– #MAGA

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

Monday President Trump will hold a MAGA rally from Biloxi, Mississippi, for Republican senator Cindy Hyde-Smith. This will be President Trump’s second rally supporting Hyde-Smith who faces Democrat Mike Espy, in a run-off that will be Tuesday. A live feed will be provided at the end of this article. 

Prior to the MAGA rallies President Trump took to Twitter where he expressed his unhappiness with a 60 minutes story, told Mexico to move flag waving migrants, “many of whom are stone cold criminals,” back to their own countries. He went on to tweet about the “Mueller” report, and wondered if Mueller would include “hundreds of people closely involved with my campaign who never met, saw, or spoke to Russia,” he added they have also not been interviewed by Mueller. 

He continued to tweet marking the ten-year anniversary of the Mumbai attack that left 166 people dead, “including 6 Americans”, before he suggested that it was time for America to have State Run Media. He ended his pre-rally tweeting with endorsing Brad Raffensperger for Secretary of State of Georgia. 

Prior to departing the White House for Mississippi, President Trump spoke with reporters, in this clip via NBC News, he is “told” his policy and Obama’s were not the same, he replied, “I tried to do it differently, but Obama had a separation policy.” 

As was reported @ the News Blender here and here, migrants clashed with both U.S. and Mexican authorities, which end with tear gas being launched over the U.S. border fence into a the crowd that did contain children. 

Asked by a reporter if President Trump was okay with “tear-gassing children” he responds “they’re not — as you know, they’re not –” 

Twitter responded to President Trump’s State Run Media suggestion: 

In the same Q&A with reporters President Trump was asked about Russia and the Ukraine Kerch Strait conflict, which as the News Blender reported led to Russia capturing three Ukrainian vessels as well as Russia detaining 24 sailors. He replied, “We don’t like what’s happening either way. We don’t like what’s happening.”

He ended the questions expressing his unhappiness with GM’s decision to close four U.S. production plants, saying, “I’m not happy with what she did,” he added that “the U.S. saved GM and for her to take that company out of Ohio is not good.” 

Live Feed 1 NBC News 

Live Feed 2 Fox News Phoenix 

Live Feed 3 Washington Post

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About Tiff 2934 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.