Former Trump Aid Eyes Congressional Bid for 2020

George Papadopoulos and Simona Mangiante. Photo from Simona Mangiante Facebook.

The former foreign aid adviser to the Trump campaign, and convicted felon George Papadopoulos is reported to be eyeing a Congressional seat for 2020, according to an interview with the London based Daily Telegraph

George Papadopoulos on Friday confirmed via Twitter his intention to run for Congress in 2020. 

As Politico reports, Papadopoulos has only just recently been released from prison having served 12 days, “after pleading guilty to making false statements when the FBI interviewed him about contacts with a professor, Joseph Mifsud, who claimed to know that Russia had come into possession of thousands of emails connected to Hillary Clinton. Papadopoulos was released from prison on Dec. 7.” 

Twitter Responds to the Announcement 

For What it’s Worth staff writer for The Atlantic, Natasha Bertrand is reporting that George Papadoulos is facing another federal investigation. 

Authors note: In attempt at fairness I did try and find supportive tweets at the time of this post none existed. 

For more on George Papadopoulos, who Trump campaign members later referred to as a “coffee boy,” @ the News Blender 

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.