Funny Friday Edition

Canary. Photo by 4028mdk09.

Laughter. It’s a good medicine. It’s an exercise, it burn calories! Scientific fact.

Or it could be I just have a warped sense of humor.

Drunk Twitter. 

BuzzFeed has a round-up of 17 Drunk People Who Made 2018 A Much Better Year.

Here’s an example. Two people meet in a doorway…

Genius. You know it’s true. Nothing makes one smarter then being drunk.

And finally, here is definitive proof, with documentation, in 19 Pictures That Prove Drunk People Are Actually Geniuses

According to British slang, putting an -ed at the end of a word could suffice for a term to mean being drunk, even if it doesn’t really mean it. But they do it anyway.

27 Pictures That Prove British Drunk People Are The Best Drunk People-We may be a small nation – but we’re a drunk one.


PSA to all college students: Things not to do during finals week.

Florida man.

I agree. I think this is my new favorite. I’m not entirely sure, but I think they tried to prank him and he was not amused.

Because of course at least one of a dog.


I don’t know about you, but I think I feel about 10 pounds lighter.

Thanks for playing.


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