Stone Goes To Court

Roger Stone. Image captured by the News Blender

Roger Stone longtime friend and a onetime political adviser of President Trump is expected in a D.C. courtroom on Tuesday.

Stone who was indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office on Friday is expected to plead not guilty to the charges that he tampered with witnesses, obstruction justice, and lied to Congress.

As Bloomberg reports his defense is off to a rocky start heading into Tuesday’s arraignment hearing when his Fort Lauderdale, Florida based lawyers “failed to make a 9 a.m. deadline to file paperwork to appear in federal court in Washington.”

According to the article U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson rebuked Grant Smith and Robert Buschel, “for not filing the paperwork needed to appear in federal court in Washington. Without it, lawyers Grant Smith and Robert Buschel won’t be able to represent,” Stone in his upcoming hearing.

The article continues that the two Stone defense attorney’s filed the paperwork needed to practice law in D.C., but “they still didn’t do it properly, and the judge denied the motions,” setting the missed 9 a.m. deadline to correct their errors.

Stone arrives in court ahead of his schedule 11 a.m. appearance.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.