Trump Tweets: Found the Magic Wand

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday.

The government enters its 30th day of being partially shutdown, marking it the longest in U.S. history.

As the News Blender reported on Sunday, President Trump tweeted by 4 p.m. eastern time a total of 11 times and retweeted 10 times. He did not stop there. He spent the rest of his Sunday retweeting another 12 times, with issuing 5 or 6, if you count the tweet he sent at midnight, of his own tweets. Which brings Sunday’s Twitter use count to 39 without the midnight tweet or 40 with the midnight tweet.

Monday President Trump so far as tweeted 4 of his own tweets, and re-tweeted one from Sunday.

1. I guess I found the MAGIC WAND – and it is only getting better!

In Summer of 2016, then-President Obama said during a PBS NewsHour town hall event that America was not in decline, adding a criticism of then-candidate Trump’s speeches saying that he’d negotiate better deals, “He just says, ‘I’m gonna negotiate a better deal.’ Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”

CNBC News reported in early January that “the manufacturing industry posted net job gains of 284,000 over 2018, capping its best calendar year since 1997.”

The article explains most of the manufacturing job growth occurred in “blue-collar durable goods manufacturing, with growth in fabricated metals and computer and electronic products,” according to the Labor Department report.

2. that no matter what the color of our skin or the place of our birth, we are all created equal by God…

As the News Blender reported on Monday, today will celebrate the man Martin Luther King Jr..

Opinion: There are obvious things I could say about the President’s words in this tweet, but as I believe that Martin Luther King Jr., for his flaws held in him a faith I admire, a conviction I can respect, and an attitude that character counts, I will refrain from pointing out the obvious.


Opinion: The democrats have been in power since January 3rd, 2019 for a total of 18 days including weekends. The newly sworn in House Democrat majority was sworn in after the government shutdown had already begun. I do not say this to dismiss the liberals or to side with them. I say it to remind others that President Trump and the Republican’s held the Senate and the House for the first 2 years of his presidency, and never funded the border wall, it’s unpopular among the majority, that’s based on polling data. Having said that the Democrats did not just win the House back because they ran on “getting things done,” they won as a message to President Trump and Republicans alike, accountability, the people by and large want the President held to account for his actions. his words and even his tweets. Now it remains to be seen if the Democrat majority can deliver that, as we all have varying degrees of opinions if voting for Democrats was the wise course, but the people did vote for the Democrats, and now we shall wait and see.

4. Today, it was my great honor to visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial with @VP Mike Pence, in honor of MLK Day…

Unlike President Trump’s usual propaganda videos, this video only has music and not a voice over.

Bonus Tweet

From Sunday: WE WILL WIN BIG!

This was President Trump’s first almost acknowledgment of the some 800,000 people that are either working without pay or not working during the government shutdown.

Some headlines relating to the shutdown:

the News Blender “TSA employee call outs reach record high on 30th day of shutdown.” According to the article 1 in 10 TSA employees who are scheduled to work without pay took the day off in unscheduled absences. The article goes on to say that a TSA statement explains many of their employees are citing “financial limitations,” as a reason for missing work.

The Washington Post “Calls escalate for Trump to end shutdown and trade war amid fears of economic slowdown.” According to the article the shutdown is now starting to have a serious impact on the economy. The article goes on to say that the International Monetary Fund has warned “that a protracted government shutdown would be a sharp drag on U.S. growth,” adding that the Federal Reserve has also issued a similar warning.

PBS News Hour “Why many stores can’t accept food stamps during the shutdown.” According to the article some 2,500 retailers from around the country are “unable to take any form of SNAP EBT payments,” explaining that while there have been no “major lapse’s in benefits,” the stores that accept SNAP EBT payments however missed a December 21st deadline to renew their license, which happens every five years, and now those renewals are on hold, making the stores on hold, unable to accept the food stamps as payment.

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.