President Trump Weighs in on FoxConn

The backdrop is prepared before the groundbreaking for the FoxConn WI development. Photo by FabickCat

As the New Blender reported on Thursday FoxConn Technology Group’s Louis Woo had told Reuters that they were reconsidering manufacturing liquid crystal displays at a $10 billion Wisconsin Campus, instead the company was expected to focus on Research and Development and some assembly operations.

On Friday President Trump took to Twitter where he praised the CEO Terry Gou for clarifying his assistants interview with Reuters.

According to the linked CNBC News article, the tech company released a statement Friday that says, “it’s moving forward with the construction of its Wisconsin facility after talks with White House,” but CNBC notes the statement that was released on Friday did not clarify “what kind of jobs will be housed at the $10 billion plant.”

According to FoxConn’s statement posted at CNBC News the campus will “serve both as an advanced manufacturing facility as well as a hub of high technology innovation for the region.

The article also notes that last week in a statement to CNBC News FoxConn seemed to signal it was changing the Wisconsin facilities focus writing that, “the global market environment that existed when the project was first announced has changed.”

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.