This story has two beginnings, but only one end.
The first beginning happened on a Friday in December, when the people working in The Museum of English Rural Life discovered a tiny bat in their rare book storage area. They certainly weren’t about to kill it… their twitter site describes the MERL as “Lawful Good”… so they needed to figure out how to properly rescue it.
As luck would have it, one of their occasional volunteers is a trained bat rescuer. She identified the bat for them and was delighted to discover that it was a breed which is rare in Britain. He has since been taught how to self-feed and they are looking to release him into the wild.
Then came the second beginning. That’s the one where the MERL uploaded the story of the bat… called MERLin, of course… to their Twitter feed. The MERL has many followers, because their feed tends to be full of good-natured humor and definitively British things. When the story of the bat hit the internet, people were delighted. It took on a life of its own… a life marked by the MERL’s typical humor.
So, with the bat ready to be released, is that the ending? No. This is, as nothing else would be appropriate.
Question of the night: Are there any public places you like to spend your leisure time?