It’s Tuesday.
President Trump has landed in Vietnam where he is scheduled to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong un.
The former lawyer and self proclaimed fixer for President Trump, Michael Cohen, has arrived on Capital Hill, for what is expected to be the first of his three days of testimony before Congressional and Senate members.
According to CNN, Cohen is meeting today with the Senate Intelligence Committee behind closed doors. On Wednesday he is expected to publicly testify before the Oversight and Reform Committee. On Thursday he is scheduled to meet behind closed with the House Intelligence Committee.
According to the article Cohen’s public testimony is not expected to cover the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia Election meddling, but instead will focus on, “the President’s debts and payments relating to efforts to influence the 2016 election.”
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders released a statement regarding Cohen’s testimony.
Cohen is expected to arrive to prison to begin his three-year sentence on May 6th.
Prior to arriving in Vietnam 4 times.
13. Let’s see what happens?
On Sunday President Trump announced that he was “delaying” the Scheduled “March 1,” tariff increase on Chinese imports.
14. our great American Farmers will be treated better than they have ever been treated before!
As the News Blender reported in November 2018, prior to the tariffs announced on China, Soybean Farmers had planted the “second largest soybean crop ever, 89.1 million acres, to meet the rising demand from China,” but once the trade war began China placed a 25 percent tariff on the crop, in retaliation to the U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports, this forces some soybean farmers to plow under their fields of unharvested beans.
In July of 2018, as the News Blender reported the Trump Administration announced a plan that would offer $12 billion in emergency aid to farmers impacted by the trade war.
In December of 2018, via Twitter President Trump announced the second round of “Market Facilitation Payments,” to aid the impacted farmers.
As the News Blender explained, the Market Facilitation Program is a program designed to help farmers and ranchers impacted by the loss of traditional export markets.
15. & 16. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth…This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress.
On Monday the Senate blocked legislation The Hill says was “meant to respond to a political firestorm sparked in Virginia over “late-term abortion.”
The Bill introduced by Republican Senate Ben Sasse (NE), was intended according to “amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.”
According to The Hill the Senators voted 53-44 failing to gain the needed 60 votes. According to Senate.gov, 3 senators did not vote.
Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) who opposed the measure said in a statement via The Hill, “Congress reaffirmed that fact with its passage of the bipartisan Born-Alive Infants Protection Act in 2002. I support that law, which is still in effect. There is no need for additional federal legislation on this topic.”
For What it’s Worth: The Virginia state’s abortion bill failed passage.
So far President Trump has tweeted one time.
1. Tremendous crowds, and so much love!
This post will be updated within reason.