Trump Tweets: RIGHT NOW!

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday.

To finish Wednesday’s tweets President Trump tweeted two more times. In his eighth tweet of the day he sent out a time-lapsed video of “wall” being built, more on that down thread. In his ninth tweet he explained that he “instructed” the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to not allow Hoda Muthana “back into the Country!”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a statement on Hoda Muthana, a woman the New York Times explained left Alabama in 2014, traveling to Turkey and was “smuggled into Syria, where she met up with the Islamic State and began urging attacks in the West,” stating that Muthana, was not a U.S. citizen, and will not be admitted back into the United States.

According to the New York Times article, Muthana was born in Hackensack, New Jersey, in October of 1994, to a diplomat from Yemen, as the article explains “children born in the United States to active diplomats are not bestowed birthright citizenship, since diplomats are under the jurisdiction of their home countries.”

Charlie Swift, the director of the Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America, who the Times explains is representing her family, explained that the law doesn’t apply to Muthana, as her father was discharged “from his position as a United Nations diplomat,” September 1st, 1994, a month before his daughter was born.

Pompeo appeared on the Today show Thursday morning and explained, she was not U.S. citizen because she was born to a diplomat.

For Thursday President Trump has tweeted so far 4 times.

1. I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible…

2. We must always be the leader in everything we do, especially when it comes to the very exciting world of technology!

The Hill explains that the appearance of these tweets, seems to refer to a planned EO, that President Trump, “had reportedly been expected to sign that would block Chinese telecom companies like Huawei from U.S. 5G networks, citing national security concerns.”

The Hill goes on to say that after having reached out to The White House spokeswoman for comment that she “did not immediately respond when asked if Trump was backing off the rumored executive order.”

As the article notes “full 5G deployment is still years away.”

Also noted in The Hill article, the tweets come as U.S. and Chinese Officials start another round of trade talks in D.C..


According to MSNBC News their local New Mexico station KOB 4 explained that “the steel wall was built in Santa Teresa,” the article from KOB 4 adds, “It replaced fencing that was used to prevent vehicles from crossing.”

In the KOB 4 article they quote the Washington Examiner who wrote, “Money for the project came from the congressional budget passed in May 2017, signed by Trump. It granted $73.3 million toward the Santa Teresa area of border in New Mexico, which sits just outside of El Paso.”

4. #MAGA…

On Wednesday actor Jussie Smollett as CNN reported has been charged with a felony “of disorderly conduct for allegedly filing a false report claiming two men attacked him last month, a Chicago Police Department spokesman tweeted Wednesday night.”

On Saturday Smollett denied any involvement in his own attack.

This post will be updated within reason. 

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.