It’s Monday.
President Trump is preparing to depart the U.S., to fly to Hanoi, Vietnam, where he will meet for a second time with North Korean leader Kim Jong un, on February 27th and February 28th.
On Wednesday the 27th, the onetime lawyer of President Trump, Michael Cohen is scheduled to testify publicly before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
President Trump finished Sunday on Twitter by announcing he will postpone the March 2nd, tariff increase on China, and a meeting at Mar-A-Lago is being planned between he and Chinese President Xi Jingping.
So far on Monday President Trump has tweeted 8 times and re-tweeted 3 times.
1. We have a State of Emergency…
6. I hope our great Republican Senators don’t get led down the path of weak and ineffective Border Security.
7. “Please explain that to me?”
On Tuesday the House controlled by Democrats is expected to pass a Resolution to reject President Trump’s Emergency Declaration regarding Southern Border wall funding, as the Washington Post explains, the measure is expected to easily pass the House, to head to the Senate.
As the article explains, if the Senate Democrats are united, they would only need “four Republican defections to pass the rejection of Trump’s emergency declaration and send it to his desk.”
2. Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all…
Sunday night filmmaker Spike Lee won his first Oscar, during his acceptance speech he said, “the 2020 Presidential Election is around the corner. Let’s all mobilize, let’s all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate. Let’s do the right thing.”
Opinion: Um. Yeah. So, the President believes that what Spike Lee said was a “racist hit,” on our President. As a reminder the President is not a King, he is not a ruler for life, and this is still a Free Country, meaning Lee has a right to say in a public forum, what he did, without Government interference. It’s really too bad, the President, does not understand how our Constitution works.
3. relax and take it easy…
4. Chairman Kim will make a wise decision!
After the first summit between the U.S. and North Korea, President Trump tweeted:
*End Flashback*
For editorial thoughts on the upcoming summit @ the News Blender.
5. Former Senator Harry Reid (he got thrown out)…
Former Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid appeared on CNN for an interview with Dana Bash that aired Monday.
8. We are bringing back America faster than anyone thought possible!
Bloomberg: According to the article the stock market is rallying on Monday over U.S. and China trade talks, along with President Trump delaying a further tariff increase on Chinese imports.
CNN reports that the Dow is up 182 points, while the Nasdaq is up 67 points, with the S&P 500 is up 17 points.
The re-tweets: Two from himself and one from his daughter and Presidential Adviser Ivanka Trump.
All abroad Air Force One.
President Trump is wheels up where he has now tweeted 4 more times.
9. Big year ahead for Dustin!
On Sunday PGA Tour Gold Dustin Johnson won the Mexico Championship.
After his win, Johnson thanked all the fans for coming out and supporting him.
10., 11., 12., announcing the recovery of U.S. citizen Danny Burch, who was recovered after being held 18 months in Yemen.
September 25, 2017, The New York Times reported that American oil worker 63 year-old Danny Burch was “abducted from his car by unidentified gunmen,” from a busy street in the Yemeni Capital.
According to the article at the time Burch had been living in Yemen for years working as an engineer for a Yemen based oil company.
His wife, Nadia Forsa, told the Times via phone, “They did it in broad daylight in front of everyone.”
In January of 2018, Reuters reported that Burch was released from Yemen’s Houthi group, and “taken to Oman aboard a flight that also carried a senior leader of the Iran-aligned group, sources in Sanaa said on Thursday.”
For What It’s Worth: President Trump seems to have made this announcement first, before State Department Officials.
This post will be updated within reason.