Trump Tweets: Media Bad While Quoting and Thanking the Media Edition

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

As the News Blender reported on Thursday the former campaign manager for President Donald Trump was sentenced to 47 months or roughly 3 plus years in prison in a Virginia Courtroom. His next courtroom appearance is scheduled for March 13th, where he will face his sentence in a Washington D.C. courtroom.

To finish Thursday President Trump tweeted one more time. More on that tweet down thread.

For Friday President Trump has so far tweeted eleven thirteen times.

1. The Wall is being built and is well under construction. Big impact will be made.

7. but we need the Wall…

Daniel Dale the Toronto Star Washington D.C., correspondent, and well-known among many as a President Trump fact-checker, explains on the interactive Star fact-check data base, that in February of 2019, “Construction on Trump’s wall had not started at the time.”

3. I cannot believe the level of dishonesty in the media…

2. Thank you @foxandfriends…

Thursday’s last tweet: Breaking News @MSNBC…

6. Stuart Varney @foxandfriends So true!

11. Additionally, he directly asked me for a pardon. I said NO. He lied again! He also badly wanted to work at the White House. He lied! (not media related but is related to Cohen, so that’s how come I included the tweet here)

One of the attorney’s for Michael Cohen, the former President Trump lawyer, Lanny Davis, told ABC News, that “Prior to Michael Cohen’s decision to leave the ‘Joint Defense Group’ and tell the truth on July 2, 2018, Michael was open to the ongoing ‘dangling’ of a possible pardon by Trump representatives privately and in the media. During that time period, he directed his attorney to explore possibilities of a pardon at one point with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani as well as other lawyers advising President Trump,” Davis added, “But after July 2, 2018, Mr. Cohen authorized me as a new lawyer to say publicly Mr. Cohen would never accept a pardon from President Trump even if offered. That continues to be the case.”

For What It’s Worth: On Wednesday The Wall Street Journal published an article entitled Cohen Told Lawyer to Seek Trump Pardon. On Thursday The Washington Post also reported that Cohen’s previous lawyer Stephen Ryan, did seek a pardon from President Trump.

Michael Cohen responded to President Trump on Twitter.



U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis is quoted as saying, “not convicted for anything to do with Russia colluding in the presidential election,” regarding Paul Manafort’s conviction for bank fraud and tax evasion, as noted by Courthouse News.

As a Reminder: As the News Blender reported in January, Manafort’s lawyer, exposed new allegations against his client, Manafort.

As the article explains Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Office accused Manafort of, “sharing 2016 polling data with Russian Nationalist Konstantin Kilimnik, who investigators allege has ties to Russian Intelligence.”

8. Things are looking good!

9. we honor women worldwide for their vital role in shaping and strengthening our communities, families, governments, and businesses…

Friday The New York Times reported that The Labor Department released its “monthly hiring and unemployment figures for February.

According to the report, “total nonfarm payroll employment changed little in February (+20,000), and the unemployment rate declined to 3.8 percent. Employment in professional and business services, health care, and wholesale trade continued to trend up, while construction employment decreased.”

According to the linked New York Times article, “Analysts had expected a gain of about 175,000, according to MarketWatch. It was the 101st straight month of job gains, but the weakest report since September 2017.”

10. Heading now to the Great State of Alabama!

President Trump is heading to Alabama to survey the tornado damage that left 23 three people dead.

Prior to departing for Alabama the President spoke with reporters, telling them in he “felt bad” for Manafort, repeated that both Manafort’s lawyer and the Judge said “no collusion with Russia.” He explained that Cohen was just a bad lawyer and downplayed the lackluster summit he abruptly ended with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

As the News Blender reported on Friday, according to satellite images, North Korea appears to have started to rebuild, “the Sohae launch site,” a site that had started to be dismantled in 2018 after the President’s first summit with Kim Jong-un.

Since it’s Friday, during his talk with reporters this morning, the President referred to the Russian Investigation as a “collusion witch hoax.”

12. & 13. Congratulations to Heather Wilson…A strong thank you to Heather for her service.

14. U.S. will be taking in Billions, plus jobs. Nice!

Tariffs = tax the consumer pays…so the “Billions,” the U.S. will be taking in are in fact monies earned off the American tax payer.

as noted above February only added 20,000 jobs a sharp decline from what was estimated.

15. Sessions didn’t have a clue!

As a reminder the President nominated former Attorney General Jeff Session then-Senator, to the position of Attorney General, he was confirmed by a Republican majority Senate.

He has also re-tweeted Paul Sperry five times, here, here, here, here, and here. He’s re-tweeted Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton twice, here and here. And Ivanka Trump once.

This post will be updated within reason. 

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.