Trump Tweets: No one is accusing the President of a crime

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday.

The onetime campaign manager for President Trump, Paul Manafort is due in a Virginia courtroom at 3:30 p.m. eastern where U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis is expected to hand down Manafort’s prison sentence.

Manafort who faced what Courthouse News calls a “bevy of financial crimes,” was convicted for those crimes in August and as Courthouse News notes, he could face up to twenty-four years in prison.

To finish his Wednesday on Twitter, the President tweeted four more times.

In the first tweet he issued a video of himself along with his daughter Ivanka Trump speaking at the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board Meeting. The event was held at the White House.

Apple CEO Tim Cook was present at the meeting during which the President called him Tim Apple.

He went on to quote Congressman Chris Stewart (R-UT).

On Monday the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) issued 81 letters [Not Subpoenas] to individuals and companies associated with President Trump or his business.

For example these include people like Carter Page, a onetime foreign adviser to the Trump campaign, the Trump org. accountant Allen Weisselberg, and the NRA.

According to all three of those letters, Nadler has requested each group or person listed to furnish the committee by the 18th of March documents, he writes, “I have limited the initial production to materials that have already been produced in other proceedings to reduce the burden on you.”

He went on to tweet, without providing a link, an article that was published by The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

The exact quote from the article: Arrests of families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally in the past five months hit a record, prompting the chief of Customs and Border Protection to say the system is at “the breaking point.”

Question: Is it really a good thing that we are arresting more “migrant families,” at the border? And if they are catching them, where is the emergency?

He finished Wednesday by stating like the Democrats “blocked” Fox News, he plans to do the same thing with the “Fake News Networks and the Radical Left Democrats in the General Election Debates.”

The Democrat National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, announced on Wednesday that in light of a recent article published in The New Yorker, the DNC would decline to host a Presidential Primary Debate on the Fox News Network, The Washington Post was first to reported the DNC’s decision.

In his statement to The Washington Post he explained, “That is why I have made it a priority to talk to a broad array of potential media partners, including Fox News. Recent reporting in the New Yorker on the inappropriate relationship between President Trump, his administration and Fox News has led me to conclude that the network is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates. Therefore, Fox News will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 Democratic primary debates.”

Fox News in a statement to the Post asked the DNC to reconsider their decision to exclude the network, “We hope the DNC will reconsider its decision to bar Chris Wallace, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, all of whom embody the ultimate journalistic integrity and professionalism, from moderating a Democratic presidential debate. They’re the best debate team in the business and they offer candidates an important opportunity to make their case to the largest TV news audience in America, which includes many persuadable voters.”

On Thursday President Trump has tweeted two times.

1. Fake News!

Former lawyer and “fixer” for President Trump, Michael Cohen, who has spent several days testifying before House Committees in closed door sessions, reports to jail in May, for among other things to serve time for Campaign finance violations related to hush money payments he paid on behalf of “individual 1” as the Southern District of New York explains, “In particular, and as Cohen himself has now admitted, with respect to both payments, he acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1. (PSR ¶¶ 41, 45). As a result of Cohen’s actions, neither woman spoke to the press prior to the election.”

As a reminder President Trump denied any knowledge of Cohen’s actions.

For What It’s Worth: On Tuesday The New York Times published the checks that Cohen had received as part of his repayment for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. According to the article, the President himself signed six of those checks while he was President.

For example: According to the article, one check dated May 23rd, 2017, was signed the day the President, “was overseas meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Jerusalem and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority in Bethlehem, before flying that night to Rome.”

2. We are on track to APPREHEND more than one million people coming across the Southern Border this year

Question: Again, where is the emergency if in fact the Border Patrol are doing a great job?

For What It’s Worth: The Democrats took over the House in Jan of 2019, until 2019, the Republican’s held the majority in all 3 branches of government, and immigration reform failed to gain support from Republican’s in either the House or the Senate.

This post will be updated within reason. 

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About Tiff 2931 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.