Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday.

President Trump finished Wednesday’s Executive Time on Twitter by tweeting one more time.

For Thursday President Trump has tweeted so far 5 times.

1. All Caps.


2. USA optimism is very high!

Bloomberg reported on Wednesday that for the first time in eight years, “small businesses cut jobs two months in a row.”

According to the article this trend was studied using private data provider ADP Research Institute, who based their research on businesses with twenty or fewer people.

The job cuts according to Bloomberg seem to indicate “less slack as the labor market nears full employment.

The article also notes that “medium-sized firms aren’t immune either,” adding that “they added the fewest workers since October 2017.”

CNBC News reported on Thursday that according to a report from “outplacement firm Challenger, Gray, & Christmas,” for the first quarter layoffs hit their highest level “in 10 years as 2019’s job market got off to a shaky start.”

The article explains that according to the report the “total announced cuts hit 190,410, a 10.3 percent increase from the fourth quarter and 35.6 percent jump from the same period a year ago.”

This according to CNBC is the worst period since the third quarter of 2015, and the highest level for a first-quarter since 2009 as the economy was still mired in the financial crisis.”

Andrew Challenger said in a statement, “Companies appear to be streamlining and updating their processes, and workforce reductions are increasingly becoming a part of these decisions,” he added, “Consumer behavior and advances in technology are driving many of these cuts.”

The Washington Post and The New York Times are reporting that President Trump is expected to announce a summit with China’s President Xi Jinping, where the two leaders hope to resolve the trade war.

The Washington Post quotes the Executive Vice President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as saying, “There is indeed a lot of progress being made and indications there could be a summit meeting in the near future,” she added, “Both sides are working hard to wrap up the talks as soon as possible.”

The announcement might come as early as Thursday afternoon, after President Trump meets Chinese Vice Premier Liu He.

3. According to polling, few people seem to care about the Russian Collusion Hoax…an investigation of how the ridiculous Collusion Delusion got started – so illegal!

March 29th, NPR reported that according to a “NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll,” those polled “overwhelming majorities of Americans want the full,” Mueller Report, to be made public.

According to that same poll regarding President Trump being cleared in the public mind that, “Almost six in 10 (56 percent) said that questions still exist, with just 36 percent saying Trump is clear of any wrongdoing.”

The Hill Reporter on Thursday breaks down several more polls regarding the Russian Investigation.

4. Presidential Harassment

Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton say, “wait, what now?”

My best guess on to what he is reacting to.

The House Oversight committee voted Tuesday to issue four subpoenas, one regarding the the security clearances given to some twenty-five people over the objections of the Personnel Security Office Adjudicators. The other three regard the adding of the citizenship question to the Census.

On Wednesday The House Judiciary Committee voted, “to authorize a subpoena to force the Justice Department and Attorney General William Barr to give Congress the full Mueller report, including the underlying evidence which the special counsel used to reach his conclusions.”

Also Wednesday the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman hand delivered a request to the IRS regarding six years of President Trump’s personal and business tax returns.

When asked about the letter to the IRS, President Trump once again stated he was under audit. The longest audit in history of audits.

5. The New York Times had no legitimate sources, which would be totally illegal…

Anonymous, unnamed, or person familiar with the matter sources, are in fact legal as they are not in fact discussing classified information, just their feelings on the matter. Deep Throat says, “I agree.”

On Wednesday The New York Times reported that “according to government officials and others familiar with with their simmering frustrations [not illegal],” of some of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, “have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated”

The article notes, “the special counsel’s office never asked Mr. Barr to release the summaries soon after he received the report, a person familiar with the investigation said [not illegal].”

On Thursday The Washington Post reported that “according to people familiar with the matter, [not illegal],” that yes some of the Mueller team have told, “associates they are frustrated with the limited information Attorney General William P. Barr has provided about their nearly two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether President Trump sought to obstruct justice.”

The article notes that some on the Mueller team have complained to “close associates,” that they are displeased with Barr’s view on President Trump and whether or not he committed obstruction of justice.

“It was much more acute than Barr suggested,” said one person, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the subject’s sensitivity [not illegal].

The Washington Post

Just an FYI.

It’s rich with irony that the man that says things like, “lots of people are saying,” has objections to unnamed sources of any kind.

Or how in every speech he makes there is a “sir” story complete with “grown men weeping at his feet.”

It’s also ironic, he only says that bullshit when in fact it makes him look bad, he has never once attacked Fox News or other outlets when they report about “deep state,” quoting an unnamed “Department of Justice official.”

There is also some irony to be found in his reasoning that by discussing the Mueller teams thoughts and feelings that is some how illegal, considering his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has security clearance over strong objections, uses the WhatsApp to communicate with foreign governments.

He apparently takes screenshots of those messages. Oh, gee, that’s good at least, never mind, both President Trump and others use non-secure lines of communicates that in fact could be hacked by said foreign governments.

This post will be updated within reason. 

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.