Trump Tweets: The Main Stream Media so Much Fake News!

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday.

President Trump’s Attorney General has either concluded his testimony before a Congressional Subcommittee, or he is currently testifying before the Subcommittee.

So far for Tuesday President Trump has tweeted 7 times.

1. Which will now put Tariffs on $11 Billion of EU products!

Irony Alert: Prior to tweeting the addition of more tariffs aka taxes on American’s, he re-tweeted this.

On Monday the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced a “preliminary list of,” European Union products to be covered by additional tariffs.

U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Lightizer said in a statement, “This case has been in litigation for 14 years, and the time has come for action. The Administration is preparing to respond immediately when the WTO issues its finding on the value of U.S. countermeasures. Our ultimate goal is to reach an agreement with the EU to end all WTO-inconsistent subsidies to large civil aircraft.  When the EU ends these harmful subsidies, the additional U.S. duties imposed in response can be lifted.”

Some products on the list include cheese, olive oil, and blankets.

2. Story Time with President Trump

3. Featuring Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)

The Washington Post reported on Monday that during a meeting with House Republicans to talk trade last month, the President “suddenly launched into a tirade about the congressman leading an extensive investigation into his presidency:his New York antagonist, Rep. Jerrold Nadler.”

According to the Post’s article “several individuals in the room,” last month “who spoke on the condition of anonymity,” told the paper that President Trump called Nadler “fat Jerry,” he added, “I’ve been battling Nadler for years.

The feud between President Trump and Rep. Nadler, began in 1985 “when Trump purchased a dilapidated former railroad yard in Nadler’s assembly district and proposed turning it into a mega-community: 7,600 apartments in six 75-story towers surrounded by television stations, a shopping mall, a massive 7,600-car parking garage and the world’s tallest building — a 150-story skyscraper.”

The project faced local opposition including Nadler who wanted the city to “buy the land and upgrade the rail system to preserve middle-class transportation jobs.”

It all came to an end, President Trump, “never got the highway moved, but Nadler never got Trump to abandon the project entirely. Trump ensured the construction of 20 residential buildings, but in 2005, with parts of the 1.8 million-square-foot complex still under construction from years of delays and opposition, Trump sold the property for $1.8 billion.”

The apartment complex after President Trump won the election, voted to have his name removed from the property.

4. So much Fake News!

And the attack against the press continues…and once again the attack has now escalated from simply “fake news” to “The Mainstream Media.”

Just FYI Fox News is the Mainstream Media, you’d think someone who brags about their ratings as much as our President does, would realize that, but then you remember it’s President Trump and he doesn’t seem to realize most things.

5. On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day…

From the linked Proclamation.

On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, we honor the Americans captured and imprisoned by foreign powers while carrying out their duties to defend this great Nation.

These brave Americans [POWs] are true patriots, and their inspiring legacy of selfless courage is a testament to their fierce spirit, unshakeable loyalty, and enduring resilience.

As a Nation, we must never forget or take for granted the traumatic ordeals of our former POWs.


*End Flashback*

6. Quote from the Main Stream Media.

8. Clip of the Quote from the Main Stream Media.

7. A clip from the Main Stream Media.

They are discussing Rep. Nadler and his continued stance that collusion [not a crime] happened in plain sight with Russia and team Trump.

This post will be updated within reason. 

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.