Watch Live: Trump MAGA Rally Green Bay, Wisconsin

Trump Nixon Typo parody. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Saturday.

President Trump is scheduled to hold his first Make America Great Again rally from Green Bay, Wisconsin, since the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian Investigation Report.

The rally happens to also be the same night as journalist and the like gather for the Annual White House Correspondents Dinner.

This will be the third year in a row that President Trump has skipped the dinner in favor of holding a campaign rally instead.

C-SPAN will be airing the dinner live, with historian and author Ron Chernow set to be the keynote speaker.

Live Feed Trump Rally Fox News.

At this time Fox News is the only legit live feed posted for the Trump Rally.

Live Feed NBC News White House Correspondents Dinner.

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About Tiff 2931 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.