Roger Stone’s former aid appeared before Mueller grand jury for two hours

Roger Stone. Image captured by the News Blender

ABC News reports that Andrew Miller, ex-aid of Roger Stone, has appeared in front of a grand jury in Washington DC today. After initially turning over documents to prosecutors, the man described as Stone’s “wingman” fought the efforts of the special counsel’s team to force him to testify via subpoena for nearly a year. The federal grand jury was convened to hear testimony in former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 presidential election.

Miller runs Stone’s website “” and has managed Stone’s schedule, setting up his media appearances and travel, for nearly a decade. A self described Libertarian, Miller says he attended the 2016 Republican National Convention with Stone, although he did not support Trump’s candidacy.

Per the Washington Post, Miller was ordered by Judge Beryl Howell on Wednesday to appear in front of the grand jury today or he would be in contempt and an arrest warrant would be issued. Prior to entering the courthouse he was asked how he feels about facing the grand jury after fighting the subpoena so long. Miller gave a thumbs up from the courthouse steps and said, “I’m feeling great.”

According to NBC News’ Charlie Gile, Miller testified for about two hours, followed by a brief statement by he and his lawyer outside the courthouse.

Paul Kamenar, Miller’s attorney, told reporters that the questioning centered around Miller’s relationship with Roger Stone and Stone’s relationship with Julian Assange. He stated that his client has not received a subpoena to testify in Stone’s trial and doesn’t not expect to get one. Furthermore, according to Kamenar, the grand jury seemed satisfied with Miller’s answers and there are no plans for a reappearance.

Andrew Miller made a brief statement, saying that, as a Libertarian, it was his duty to push back against the government when they ask one to travel across the country on a “whim”. Miller said that Roger Stone was a mentor to him for more than a decade, saying, “He was like Uncle Roger”.

Stone’s trial date has been set for November. He will face Judge Amy Berman Jackson, the same judge who presided over former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort’s trial. Stone has been charged with obstruction, witness tampering, and making a false statement.

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