Trump Org. Lawsuit to Stop Congressional Subpoena Heard in D.C. Court

E. Barrett Prettyman United States Court House, which houses U.S. District Court for District of Columbia.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta heard arguments regarding a lawsuit that was filed over whether or not the House Oversight and Reform Committee was entitled to financial records from President Trump’s accounting firm Mazar USA.

As the News Blender reported in April, the House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings issued a subpoena to Mazar in order to “corroborate Michael Cohen’s testimony that Trump overvalued his assets for personal gain, misleading banks and insurers. In March, Cummings asked the accounting firm for financial statements and audits, as well as supporting documents and communications between Mazars and Trump.”

In court Tuesday Mehta said via the Washington Post that he would not issue a ruling from the bench, “My decision in this case will be issued promptly, but it will be issued consistent with the gravity of the issues, and the importance of the issues to the parties.”

Courthouse News reporter Britain Eakin live tweeted the event.

Highlights from the hearing.

Attorney William Consovoy argued on behalf of President Trump.

USA Today reporter Brad Heath reports that Mehta has “cited three possible reasons Tuesday to block the subpoena: that Congress has no general authority to investigate the president’s private life, that it can’t investigate for the sake of exposure and that Congress can’t encroach on the powers of the other two branches.”

He added that Mehta didn’t indicate if he found “those reasons sufficiently persuasive to block the House subpoena. But he suggested history might not be on the president’s side, saying courts had not found that Congress overstepped its subpoena authority since 1880 and questioning Trump’s lawyers about the basis for previous investigations of presidents.”

House General Counsel Douglas Letter argued that Cummings has said “docs given by Michael Cohen show there might be violations of Ethics in Government Act.”

BuzzFeed reporter Zoe Tillman.

Judge Mehta wrapped up the hearing by stating that it would be open until May 18th, no ruling is expected this week, but is possible over the weekend.

of note: I have verified that Douglas Letter is the House Counsel, “little” referenced in the tweets, is simply a typo.

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.