Trump Tweets 8 Times and Retweets 60 Times on Wednesday Morning

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Wednesday.

Attorney General William Barr is currently testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

So far for Wednesday President Trump has tweeted 8 times and re-tweeted 60 times.

His first tweet was posted at 5:56 a.m. eastern time. His last tweet was posted at 9:03 a.m..

1. I get paid ZERO!

He is still upset that the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for 2020, when they did not offer an endorsement in 2016 to either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

After sending his first tweet that quoted Fox News Contributor Dan Bongino he went on to re-tweet 60 replies to Dan Bongino’s tweet. I will not be sharing all 60.

All but one of the re-tweets has similar statements as Tom’s tweet.

One re-tweet was removed, but the internet is forever.

The re-tweet unlike the other 59 was posted by Saul again to the Don Bongino tweet.

2., 7., & 8. Whined about no collusion no obstruction in one form or another.

Apparently President Trump still hasn’t read the Mueller Report.

Apparently the NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION, thing is going to be a thing until the end of time. There was collusion (not a crime) there was obstruction (a crime but Mueller explained they did not research a criminal conclusion of obstruction based on a standing DOJ that a sitting President may not be indicted.) Want to know how I know those two facts? It’s in the report that I read more than one time. Which is more than I can say for some Senators such as Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman who said he didn’t read the whole report.

Graham also said “Trump is a Fucking Idiot,” sadly he was just quoting someone else’s words and not his own.

The clip above is set to repeat.

3. (fairly new)… (which also are being built)!

More Governance via tweet. Joy!

4. Gallup Poll…

The economy is so good just yesterday President Trump advised the Federal Reserve via tweet to lower interest rates by one point, and to do more quantitative easing.

5. Quoted Lou Dobbs

Sleepy Joe. Crooked Hillary. Sleepy Eye Chuck Todd. Lyin’ James Comey. etc. etc. etc.


6. Dems Won’t act.

In order to change our immigration laws Republicans must agree on a plan too. That’s how it works…it’s a shame our President doesn’t have a clue as to how government works.

As a reminder AG Barr, is scheduled to testify again on Thursday, before the House Judiciary Committee. If this is how the President reacted to the news that Mueller objected to Barr’s handling of the Mueller Report, before Barr appeared in the friendly setting of the Republican controlled Senate Committee, I can’t even guess what Thursday’s tweets will bring.

Also as a side note. I typically leave Trump’s feed open all day and night, I do this so I don’t miss a tweet and in case he deletes a tweet I can screen grab it. This am is what I saw when I opened my browser.

There is really know telling what I might see tomorrow.

This post will be updated within reason. 

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.